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Workshop on Adaptive Treatments and Therapies
(WATT 2015)
Satellite event to 9th International Conference on
Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare
20th May, 2015, Istanbul, Turkey
**** 15th March 2015: Deadline for submission of workshop papers ****
Pervasive health strategies have now penetrated many areas of health
including global and public health, rehabilitation, mental health,
psychology, medical training, nutrition, age related diseases or
diabetes among many others. Traditional forms of training, policy
planning, diagnosis, prevention and treatment have been challenged by
this highly flexible and customizable omnipresent technology forcing a
quick evolution and reassessment of well established principles in
many fields of medicine and health care. Many pervasive solutions to
health rely on sending patient data to the expert clinicians which in
turn respond to the alarms received, through the same or distinct
communication channel, but yet fail to make the pervasive solution
intelligent enough to reduce the demand of expert time and availability.
Arguably, one of the keys to the success of the ubiquitous paradigm to
deliver health to the population shall be the ability for dynamically
customize treatment and therapies to the changing patient needs whilst
still guaranteeing compliance with treatment and therapy demands. This
dynamic customization or adaptive behaviour exhibited by the treatment
is ultimately responsible for the pervasive solution to reduce
exhaustive expert supervision; a critical advantage to reduce health
delivery costs, permit out-ward continuous supervision, motivate
patients through personalized care, and achieve an anytime health
assistance. Adaptive treatments and therapies (ATTs) are in fact a
necessary step to make pervasive health a democratic form of health
care delivery; available to anyone, any where, and critically any time.
Common to all of these intelligent ATTs solutions is a decision-making
engine Manifestation of this engine comes in many flavours; from naïve
prefixed thresholds to sophisticated artificial intelligence
approaches, from solutions only relying on observable metrics to
elaborated algorithms inferring affective and cognitive states of the
patient, from those offering a deterministic decision over a certain
scenario to those affording probabilistic advice intelligently
managing uncertainty and being context aware. Yet, despite all the
latest advancements, ATTs are still far from fulfilling their
potential of making pervasive health virtually autonomous with minimal
human expert intervention.
The topic is deceivingly vast and consequently we are seeking to
attract a multidisciplinary audience with special focus on the
computational aspects of the adaptive solution. The workshop is
organised aiming to address and hopefully answer some of the following
What is it that is delaying the final explosion of ATTs to reach real
ubiquity (anyone, any time, any where) for health care and medical
training? What are the main avenues that research in this field should
take to accelerate translation to the health care community and
society? Are we putting too much effort in the out-hospital technology
that we are forgetting about the basic medical necessities thus
preventing wider acceptance? What design implications put adaptive
treatment and therapies on pervasive technologies? What are the
technological and non technological present and future limits of ATTs
for being ubiquitous in health care and medicine? Are the current
research standards in ubiquitous health in general, and ubiquitous
ATTs in particular, depreciated to embolden real breakthroughs (e.g.
low quality studies, marginal scientific increments, overemphasizing
and favouring experimental over analytical grounds, etc)?
+ Prof. Jesse Hoey (University of Waterloo, Canada)
+ Prof. Philip J. Morrow (University of Ulster, UK)
ATTs are a critical element for the success of pervasive health. It is
a multidisciplinary field where expertise on biomedicine, nursing,
psychology, public policy and administration, education, engineering
in several disciplines and computing converge. Contributions are
welcomed in the following or related topics:
+ Clinical
++ Neural substrates and mechanisms supporting (or rejecting) the
usefulness of ATTs in health care
++ Psychological elements involved in motivation, adherence to
therapy, engagement of the social circle.
++ Strategies to boost dose and intensity of treatments
++ Strategies for monitoring of non-observable mind and affective
state of the patient.
+ Computational
++ Artificial Intelligence applied to health care
++ Decision-theoretic models for treatment adaptation
++ Design factors for therapy adaptation in health
++ Real time efficient monitoring of progress and status of patients
and health care professionals
++ Intelligent feedback and assistance
++ Theoretical guarantees and formal analysis are specially welcomed
+ Engineering
++ Ecological validity of adaptive technologies in health
++ Supporting adaptive hardware development
++ Different aspects of ubiquitous virtual environments in health;
software architecture, databases and user profiling, distributed
monitoring, treatment, assessment, unsupervised training, etc
+ Public policy and administration
++ ATTs on global and public health
++ Privacy, liability and economic aspects of pervasive technologies in health
++ Acceptance and retention of the pervasive adaptive technologies in
health care
++ Educational aspects of adaptive training in health
* 6th February 2014: Call for papers
* 15th March 2015: Deadline for submission of workshop papers
* 1st April 2015: Notification of acceptance
* 10th April 2015: Camera-ready papers
* 20th May 2015: Workshop
Submission period is now open. To submit your paper, please go to:
Contributions will be accepted in two forms:
* Extended abstracts: Up to 2 pages
* Full length articles: Up to 10 pages
All submissions of the workshop papers will be done via confy
( All accepted workshop papers shall follow the
PH2015 submission templates (IEEE, see main PH website for details All accepted workshop
papers will be included in the conference proceedings and published in
the IEEE Library. They will also be indexed in: Thomson Reuters
Conference Proceedings, SCOPUS, DBLP, and ScienceDirect.
Submission of previously published work is possible, but the authors
are required to mention this explicitly, and will not be included into
the workshop proceedings. Authors are welcome to present their novel
work and choose to opt out of the workshop proceedings in case they
have alternative publication plans.
Workshop Co-chairs
Prof. Luis Enrique Sucar, INAOE, Mexico
Dr. Felipe Orihuela-Espina, INAOE, Mexico
Details of the programme comittee may be found in the workshop website.
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