12th Int. Conf. on Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence
Skövde, Sweden
September 21-23, 2015

* Important Dates

Submission deadline: March 24th, 2015
Acceptance notification: June, 8th, 2015
Final version: June 23th, 2015
Conference: September 21 - 23, 2015

* Plenary speakers

Thierry Denouex, Université de Technologie de Compiègne
Eyke Hüllermeier, Philipps-Universität Marburg
Bradley A Malin, Vanderbilt University
Weiru Liu, Queen's University Belfast

* Aims and goals

The aim of the MDAI conference series is to provide a forum for researchers to
discuss models for decision and information fusion (aggregation operators) and
their applications to AI.

In MDAI 2015, we encourage the submission of papers on decision making,
information fusion, social networks, data mining, and related topics.

Applications to data science and privacy technologies as real world problems
are welcome.

This conference is CORE-B in the CORE 2014 Australian ranking.

A) Methods and Tools:
- Information fusion
- Aggregation operators
- Utility and decision theory
- Model and operator selection
- Learning methods for parameter determination
- Machine learning and statistical learning
- Soft computing
- Optimization methods in AI and decision modeling
- Non-additive measures and integrals
B) Applications:
- Data science
- Information privacy and security
- Multiagent systems
- Social networks
- Data mining
- Bibliometry
- Autonomous robots
- Entertainment computing
- Evaluation methods
- Bioinformatics
- Information access

* Submission and Publication

Original technical contributions are sought. Contributions will be selected on
the basis of their quality. Papers should not exceed 12 pages in total (using
LNCS/LNAI style). Proceedings with accepted papers will be published in the
LNAI/LNCS series (Springer-Verlag) and distributed at the conference, as done
in previous MDAI conferences. See LNAI volumes 3131, 3558, 3885, 4617, 5285,
5861, 6408, 6820, 7647, 8234, and 8825. Besides, papers, that according to the
evaluation of the referees, are not suitable for the LNAI but that have some
merits will be published in a USB proceedings (with ISBN) and scheduled in the
MDAI program.

* Contact

General chair:
Vicenc Torra

Program co-chairs:
Vicenc Torra (U. of Skovde, Sweden)
Yasuo Narukawa (Toho Gakuen, Japan)

Advisory Board:

D. Dubois, L. Godo, K. Hirota, J. Kacprzyk, S. Miyamoto, M. Sugeno, R. R. Yager

Program Committee:
Eva Armengol, Gleb Beliakov, Gloria Bordogna, Anders Dahlbom, Susana Díaz,
Josep Domingo-Ferrer, Jozo Dujmovic, Yasunori Endo, Katsushige Fujimoto, Michel
Grabisch, Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Aoi Honda, Masahiro Inuiguchi, Marie-Jeanne
Lesot, Xinwang Liu, Jun Long, Jean-Luc Marichal, Radko Mesiar, Tetsuya Murai,
Toshiaki Murofushi, Guillermo Navarro-Arribas, Jordi Nin, Gabriella Pasi,
Susanne Saminger-Platz, Sandra Sandri, Roman Słowiński, László Szilágyi, Aida
Valls, Vilem Vychodil, Zeshui Xu, Yuji Yoshida

Organization chairs:
Göran Falkman, Anders Dahlbom

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