Deborah Gordon, Lada Adamic, and I are pleased to announce that

*                                           Regina Dugan*

former head of DARPA and current GOOGLE Vice President will be the Keynote
speaker for the *2015 Collective Intelligence Conference, *May 31-June 2
Santa Clara, CA.

Also, we are extending the deadline for submissions to *February 8th, 2015.
 *Please go to the website at

We are anticipating an incredible conference this year.  We have lined up a
handful of speakers around whom we will build panels from your
submissions.  These include Jeff Howe (author of *Crowdsourcing), *Susan
Athey (Stanford University and Microsoft),  Saket Navlakha (Salk
Institute), and Walter Quattrociocchi (IMT)



Scott E Page
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Santa Fe Institute
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