CALL FOR PAPERS ECRTS 15 Submission deadline: 1 February 2015 (firm deadline) ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
EUROMICRO CONFERENCE ON REAL-TIME SYSTEMS Lund, Sweden, 8-10th July 2015 Organized by the Euromicro Technical Committee on Real-Time Systems Conference web site: —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— THEME AND TOPICS OF INTEREST ECRTS is the premier European venue for presenting research into the broad area of real-time and embedded systems. Along with RTSS and RTAS, ECRTS ranks as one of the three top international conferences on real-time systems. The twenty-seventh EUROMICRO Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS’15) is a forum aimed at covering state-of-the-art research and development in real-time computing. Papers on all aspects of real-time systems are welcome. These include, but are not limited to: APPLICATIONS: consumer and multimedia; process and industrial control; smart energy, smart buildings; health; avionics, aerospace; automotive; telecommunications; cyber-physical systems. INFRASTRUCTURE AND HARDWARE: communication networks; embedded devices; hardware/software co-design; power-aware and other resource-constrained techniques; multicore and manycore architectures for real-time and safety; time engines and time synchronization; wireless sensor networks. SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGIES: middleware, operating systems, run-time environments; virtualization and isolation; software architectures; programming languages and compiler support; component-based approaches; distribution technologies. SYSTEM DESIGN AND ANALYSIS: modelling and formal methods for design and analysis; probabilistic analysis; quality of service support; safety, reliability, security and survivability; mixed critical systems; scheduling and schedulability analysis; worst-case execution time analysis; validation and verification techniques. Work-in-Progress Session and Workshops Following a successful tradition at ECRTS, there will be a special Work in Progress (WiP) session. This session is intended for presentation of recent and on-going work. There will also be a continuation of a number of successful Satellite Workshops including: OSPERT: Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time applications, WCET: Worst-Case Execution Time analysis, WATERS: Workshop on Analysis Tools and methodologies for Embedded and Real-time Systems, and RTSOPS: Real-Time Scheduling Open Problems Seminar. Separate calls for papers will be issued later for both the WiP session and satellite workshops. Please visit the website at SUBMISSION OF PAPERS Full papers must be submitted electronically through our web form in a pdf format. The material must be unpublished and not under submission elsewhere. Submissions must be in the same format as in the final published proceedings (10 pages maximum, 2 columns, 10 pt). The paper must be self-contained, but an appendix with supplementary material of up to 2 pages is permitted. Papers exceeding the page limit will not be reviewed. Note that the submission deadline is a firm deadline and will not be extended. A selection of the best papers will receive outstanding paper awards, and will be highlighted as such in the conference proceedings. These papers will form the shortlist for a best paper award, which will be presented at the conference. At ECRTS’15, we aim to be more inclusive and thus accept a larger number of high quality papers than in recent years. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Submission deadline: 1 February 2015 (firm deadline) Workshops: 7 July 2015 Conference: 8-10 July 2015 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ORGANIZERS PROGRAM CHAIR Steve Goddard University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA GENERAL CHAIR Karl-Erik Årzén Lunds University, Sweden REAL-TIME TECHNICAL COMMITTEE CHAIR Gerhard Fohler TU Kaiserslautern, Germany —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— PROGRAM COMMITTEE Benny Åkesson, CTU Prague, Czech Republic Jim Anderson, University of North Carolina, USA Marko Bertogna, University of Modena, Italy Konstantinos Bletsas, CISTER/INESC-TEC, ISEP, Portugal Björn Brandenburg, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Germany Alan Burns, University of York, UK Rob Davis, University of York, UK Marco Di Natale, Scuola Superiore S. Anna, Italy Arvind Easwaran, Nanyang TU, Singapore Rolf Ernst, TU Braunschweig, Germany Nathan Fisher, Wayne State University, USA Gerhard Fohler, TU Kaiserslautern, Germany Hermann Härtig, TU Dresden, Germany Christopher D. Gill, Washington University in St. Louis, USA George Lima, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil Ying Lu, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA Claire Maiza, INPGrenoble / Verimag, France Julio Luis Medina, University of Cantabria, Spain Frank Mueller, North Carolina State University, USA Thomas Nolte, MRTC / Mälardalen University, Sweden Claire Pagetti, Onera, France Rodolfo Pellizzoni, University of Waterloo, Canada Linh Thi Xuan Phan, University of Pennsylvania, USA Isabelle Puaut, University of Rennes 1/ IRISA, France Sophie Quinton, INRIA, France Christine Rochange, IRIT, University of Toulouse, France Mohamed M. Sabry, Stanford University, USA Jean-Luc Scharbarg, Université de Toulouse - IRIT/INPT/ENSEEIHT, France Insik Shin, KAIST, Korea Lothar Thiele, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland Theo Ungerer, University of Augsburg, Germany Marcus Völp, TU Dresden, Germany Wang Yi, Uppsala University, Sweden _______________________________________________ Em-rt-info mailing list _______________________________________________ uai mailing list uai@ENGR.ORST.EDU