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Call for Papers
IJCNN 2015 Special Session on
"Learning and optimization in multi-criteria,
dynamic and uncertain environments"
July 12 - 17, 2015, Killarney, Ireland.

Paper submission:  January 15, 2015
Paper Decision notification: March 15, 2015
Camera-ready submission: April 15, 2015
Conference: July 12-17, 2015

Applications in the field of engineering often aim to simultaneously
satisfy multiple criteria using a number of constraints or preferences.
Many real-world environments also inherently have different objectives that
can be aligned as well as conflicting, resulting in complex Pareto fronts.
Moreover, in many cases the state of these systems changes over time,
resulting in a dynamic environment for the learner. To efficiently explore
these complex Parteo fronts, new exploration/exploitation techniques are

Inspiration for such techniques can be found in multi-objective
optimization. The task of an optimization algorithm in a multi-criteria
environment is either to learn a strategy that optimizes all criteria at
the same time or to find a good compromise solution. Thus, learning in the
multi-criteria framework can be considerable harder than in the standard
single objective framework.

The main goal of this special session is to help of unify and streamline
research on learning in dynamic and uncertain multi-criteria environments.
We want to bring together researchers from machine learning, optimization
and artificial intelligence, interested multi-criteria decision making
and/or multi-objective optimization in dynamic and uncertain environments.
We also encourage submissions related to multi-criteria decision making
and/or multi-objective optimization in other areas such as operation
research, games and real-world applications.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Multi-objective reinforcement learning
Multi-objective optimization algorithms (meta-heuristics, evolutionary
algorithms, etc.) for dynamic and uncertain environments
Theoretical results on the learnability in multi-objective dynamic and
uncertain environments
Novel algorithmic frameworks for multi-objective environments
Multi-criteria aspects of robotics
Multi-objective self-adapting systems
Multi-objective automatic configuration systems
Multi-objective games
Multi-criteria decision making in dynamic and uncertain environments
Real-world applications in engineering, business, computer science,
biological sciences, scientific computation, etc.
in Dynamic and Uncertain Environments
Multi-criteria dynamic/reactive scheduling and planning

Authors are invited to submit their papers through the main IJCNN 2015
conference submission system at:


Please make sure to select the Special Session under "S. SPECIAL SESSION
in the "Main Research topic" drop-down list. Templates and detailed
for authors can be found at http://www.ijcnn.org/paper-submission

All papers submitted to the special session will be subject to the
same peer-review procedure as regular papers. Accepted papers will be
published in the conference proceedings.

Madalina M. Drugan, Peter Vrancx, Ann Nowe
Artificial Intelligence Lab,
Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium
{ Madalina.Drugan, pvrancx, Ann.Nowe }@vub.ac.be

 Dr. Peter Vrancx
 AI Lab - Computational Modeling group
 Vrije Universiteit Brussel

 Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
 Building G, room 720
 Phone: +32 2 629 37 06
 Email: pvra...@vub.ac.be
 Site: http://ai.vub.ac.be/members/peter-vrancx
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