Call for Book Chapters:
Artificial-Intelligence Applications in Information and Communication Technologies (AIAICT 2015) Editors: Dr. Yacine Laalaoui, IT department, Taif University, KSA,<> Dr. Nizar Bouguila, Concordia University, Canada,<> The book will be published by Springer-Verlag in "Studies in Computational Intelligence Series" ( Scope of the book: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is one of the important and climbing sectors in industry. It is part of computing area and includes the human factor. Humans act as ICT managers, system administrators, network administrators and security experts. ICT challenges include user satisfaction, good performance insurance, security issues handling, etc. Great challenges are yet to come with the increase of Internet and mobile access devices. Often ICT practitioners do not have the sufficient Artificial Intelligence (AI) background to deal with faced real-life problems. The main aim of this book is to help ICT practitioners in managing efficiently their platforms using AI tools and methods, and to bring up what can AI provides to the ICT sector. The present book targets mainly the following topics (but not limited): AI theory, tools and methods such as: • NP-Completeness theory. • Search and optimization techniques. • Machine learning. • Multi-agent systems. • Expert systems. • Constraint programming. • Reasoning under uncertainty. AI tools and methods applied to solve ICT problems such as: • Rules checking and self-adjusting of firewalls and Intrusion Detection systems. • E-mails tracking, emails classification and spams detection. • Network monitoring. • Web servers self-setting and performance boosting. • Web filtering. • Virus and Malware detection. • Cryptography and secure communications. • Authentication systems. • Honeypots. • Clients' applications hosting and load balancing. • Resources optimization. • Could Computing. • Cluster Computing. • Virtualization. • Storage systems. • Energy minimization in ICT platforms. • Big data management. Important dates: Abstract submission deadline: October 15th 2014 (Extended) Abstract acceptance notification: November 1st 2014 Book chapter submission deadline: December 1st 2014 Book chapter first round review: January 1st 2015 Book chapter submission of revised versions: February 1st 2015 Book chapter final round review: March 1st 2015 Camera ready copy submission deadline: March 15th 2015 Tentative publication date: end 2015. Please, use lncs Springer latex template to prepare your chapter. All submissions and inquiries can be sent by e mail to the editors. Please, help circulate this CFP. Best regards Yacine & Nizar هذه الرسالة ومرفقاتها (ان وجدت) تمثل وثيقة سرية قد تحتوي على معلومات تتمتع بحماية وحصانة قانونية, ان لم تكن الشخص المعني بهذه الرسالة يجب عليك تنبيه المرسل بخطأ وصولها إليك وحذف الرسالة ومرفقاتها (إن وجدت) من الحاسب الالي الخاص بك ولايجوز لك نسخ هذه الرسالة او مرفقاتها (إن وجدت) أو اي جزء منها أو البوح بمحتوياتها لأي شخص أو استعمالها لأي غرض علما بأن الإفادات والاراء التي تحتويها هذه الرسالة تعبر فقط عن رأي المرسل وليس بالضرورة رأي جامعة الطائف ولا تتحمل جامعة الطائف أي مسئولية عن الأضرار الناتجة عن أي فايروسات قد يحملها هذا البريد . The information in this email and in any files transmitted with it is intended only for the addressee and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Access to this email by anyone else is unauthorized. If you receive this in error, please contact the sender immediately and delete the material from any computer. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is strictly prohibited. Statement and opinions expressed in this e-mail are those of the sender, and do not necessarily reflect those of the Taif University. _______________________________________________ uai mailing list uai@ENGR.ORST.EDU