[Apology for cross-postings]



IJCAI-15 invites proposals for the Tutorial Program. Tutorials will be held
on July 25--27, 2015, immediately prior to the technical conference.
Attendance of the tutorials will be included in the IJCAI-15 conference
registration fee and will not incur any additional fees.

Tutorials should serve one or more of the following objectives:

- Introduce novices to major topics of Artificial Intelligence.
- Introduce expert non specialists to an AI subarea.
- Motivate and explain a topic of emerging importance for AI.
- Survey a mature area of AI research and/or practice.
- Provide instruction in established but specialized AI methodologies.
- Present a novel synthesis combining distinct lines of AI work.
- Introduce AI audiences to an external topic that can motivate or use AI

To broaden and improve the topic coverage provided, we also invite
suggestions as to what tutorial topics and presenters might be welcome.
Individuals with ideas or suggestions for possible tutorial topics and/or
suggested candidate presenters are encouraged to email them to Pascal
Poupart (ppoup...@uwaterloo.ca) and Gerardo I. Simari (g...@cs.uns.edu.ar).
Suggestions will be kept entirely confidential.

Important Dates for Tutorials:

- Proposal Submission Deadline: November 28th, 2014
- Acceptance Notification: January 9th, 2015
- Title, Abstract, and Speaker Biography Deadline: March 13th, 2015
- Syllabus and Course Handouts Posted: June 19th, 2015
- IJCAI-15 Tutorials: July 25-27, 2015

Requirements for Submission:

Those interested in presenting a tutorial should submit a proposal to the
IJCAI-15 Tutorial Co-chairs, Pascal Poupart and Gerardo I. Simari. A
tutorial proposal should contain the following information:

- A two-sentence description of the tutorial, suitable for inclusion in the
conference registration brochure.
- A two-paragraph description of the tutorial, suitable for a web page
- A detailed outline of the tutorial.
- A characterization of the potential target audience for the tutorial,
including prerequisite knowledge. Indicate which of the above objectives
are best served by the proposed tutorial.
- A description of why the tutorial topic would be of interest to a
substantial part of the IJCAI audience.
- A brief resume of the presenter(s), which should include:
  - Name and affiliation
  - Postal address
  - Phone and fax numbers
  - E-mail address
  - Background in the tutorial area
  - Citation to an available example of work in the area-- ideally, a
published tutorial-level article on the subject
  - Evidence of teaching experience, with references addressing the
proposer's presentation ability
  - Evidence of scholarship in AI/computer science (equivalent to a
published IJCAI conference paper or tutorial syllabus).

Tutorials are intended to cover reasonably well-established information in
a balanced way. They should not be used to advocate a single avenue of
research, nor should they promote a product.

Proposals should be sent by email, in plain text (ASCII) or PDF form, to
Pascal Poupart (ppoup...@uwaterloo.ca) and Gerardo I. Simari (
g...@cs.uns.edu.ar) by November 28th, 2014, with the subject line: "IJCAI
Tutorial Proposal".

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