Call for papers

The NIPS Workshop on Bayesian Optimization is calling for
contributions on theoretical models, empirical studies, and
applications of Bayesian optimization. We also welcome challenge
papers on possible applications or datasets. Topics of interest
(though not exhaustive) include:

Bayesian optimization
Sequential experimental design and bandits
Applications, e.g., automatic parameter tuning, active sensing, robotics
Related areas: active learning, reinforcement learning, etc.

Invited speakers and panelists

Nando de Freitas (Oxford)
Steve Scott (Google)
Daniel Russo (Stanford)
Xavier Amatriain (Netflix)
Julien Cornebise (DeepMind)
Robert Gramacy (University of Chicago)


Ryan P. Adams (Harvard University)
Zoubin Ghahramani (University of Cambridge)
Matthew W. Hoffman (University of Cambridge)
Jasper Snoek (Harvard University)
Kevin Swersky (University of Toronto)

See also the workshop overview for more details.

Submission instructions

Papers must be in the latest NIPS format, but with a maximum of 4
pages (excluding references). Papers can be either anonymized or not
(i.e. you can decide whether to uncomment or add \nipsfinalcopy to
your document prior to submitting). The reviewing process will be

Accepted papers will also be made available on the workshop website.
However, this does not constitute an archival publication and no
formal workshop proceedings will be made available, meaning
contributors are free to publish their work in archival journals or

Paper submissions will be made through CMT.
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