CALL FOR PAPERS International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies and Internet Commerce - IAWTIC'14
Jointly with International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation - CIMCA'14 10-12 December 2014 Vienna, Austria Honorary Chair: Lotfi A. Zadeh, University of California, USA Stephen Grossberg, Boston University, USA Important Dates: 30 September 2014 Submission of papers 24 October 2014 Notification of acceptance 14 November 2014 Deadline for camera-ready copies of accepted papers In co-operation with: Conference Proceedings will be published as books by IEEE in USA Sponsored by: European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology - EUFLAT International Association for Fuzzy Set in Management and Economy - SIGEF Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics - SOFT Taiwan Fuzzy Systems Association - TFSA World Wide Web Business Intelligence - W3BI Hungarian Fuzzy Association - HFA International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technology and Internet Commerce - IAWTIC'2014 provides a medium for researchers and practitioners to exchange and explore the issues and opportunities in the area of intelligent agent, web technologies and Internet commerce. The conference will consist of both plenary sessions and contributory sessions, focusing on theory, implementation and applications of intelligent agents, web technologies and Internet commerce. Conference Proceedings will be published as books by IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering) in USA and will be index world wide. All papers will be peer reviewed by at least two reviewers. Conference Topics Include (but not limited to): Intelligent Agents Knowledge Management Intelligent Business Agents Agent Architectures Environments and Languages Adaptation and learning for agents Human and agent interaction Interface agents Mobile agents Virtual agent-based marketplaces Agents and uncertainty The privacy issues for agents Automated shopping and trading agents Agent-oriented services Social implications for agent Conceptual modelling and design of Ontologies for agents Agents and e-commerce Legal aspects of agents in e-commerce Performance measurement of e-commerce agents Rational information agents and electronic commerce Auction and negotiation for e-commerce agents Knowledge Discovery, Intelligent Information Systems Knowledge Clustering Classification Web Technologies Web data mining and information retrieval Agent-based trade-and mediating services Teaching on Web Virtual trading institutions Internet Commerce E-commerce applications of Knowledge Representation Reasoning Techniques Electronic Payment Systems Internet Marketing Intranets and Extranets Electronic Payment Systems Electronic Data Interchange Supply Chain Management Electronic Payment Systems Internet-based Electronic Commerce Virtual Communities/Community Networks Logistics Issues for Electronic Commerce Business Reengineering Issues for Electronic Commerce Government Electronic Procurement and Service Delivery Legal, Auditing or Security Issues for Electronic Commerce Requirements Engineering Approaches for Electronic Commerce Paper Submission Papers will be selected based on their originality, significance, correctness, and clarity of presentation. Papers (4 pages or more) should be submitted by the online submission system or by e-mail to: E-mail: Electronic submission of papers (either by E-mail or through conference website) is preferred. Draft papers should present original work, which has not been published or being reviewed for other conferences. Important Dates 30 September 2014 Submission of papers 24 October 2014 Notification of acceptance 14 November 2014 Deadline for camera-ready copies of accepted papers Special Sessions and Tutorials Special sessions and tutorials will be organised at the conference. The conference is calling for special sessions and tutorial proposals. All special session proposals should be sent to the conference chair (by email to: on or before 30 September 2014. IAWTIC'14 will also include a special poster session devoted to recent work and work-in-progress. Abstracts are solicited for this session. Abstracts (3 pages limit) may be submitted up to 30 days before the conference date. Visits and social events Sightseeing visits will be arranged for the delegates and guests. A separate program will be arranged for companions during the conference. Further Information For further information either contact or see the conference homepage at: Organising Committee Chair: Masoud Mohammadian, University of Canberra, Australia International Program Committee: International Liaison: Australia, Canada and USA Liaison: To be announced. Europe Liaison: Zohreh Pahlavani, VIP, Austria Frank Zimmer, SES ASTRA, Luxembourg Local Arrangements : Christina Meier,VIP, Australia Publication: Masoud Mohammadian, University of Canberra, Australia International Programme Committee J. Liu, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong A. Namatame, National Defense Academy, Japan A. Agah, The University of Kansas, USA J. P. Bigus, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA Elisabeth André, Universität Augsburg, Germany Katia Sycara, Carnegie Mellon University, USA H. Adeli, The Ohio State University, USA B. Kosko, University of Southern California, USA A. Kandel, University of South Florida, USA T. Fukuda, Nagoya University, Japan T. Baeck, Informatic Centrum Dortmund, Germany J.Bezdek, University of West Florida, USA M. Mohammadian University of Canberra, Australia K. Hirota, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan G. Dorffner, University of Vienna, Austria E. Oja, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland W. Pedrycz, University of Manitoba, Canada X. Yao, The University of New South Wales, ADFA, Australia H. R. Berenji, NASA Ames Research Center, USA R. C. Eberhart, Purdue University,USA T. Shibata, MITI, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Japan H. Liljenstrom, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden A. Y. Zomaya, University of Western Australia, Australia F. Herrera, University of Granada, Spain A Jafari, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, IUPUI, USA A. Bulsari, AB Nonlinear Solutions OY, Finland B. Bignall, Monash University, Australia J. D. Pinter, Dalhousie University, Canada T. Furuhashi, Nagoya University, Japan A. Aamodt, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway J. Fernandez de Cañete, University of Malaga, Spain W. Duch, Nicholas Copernicus,University, Poland E. Tulunay, Middle East Technical University, Turkey L. Guan, University of Sydney, Australia C. Kuroda, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan T. Yamakawa, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan J. Liu, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong A. Namatame, National Defense Academy, Japan A. Agah, The University of Kansas, USA J. P. Bigus, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
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