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2nd IJCAI School on Artificial Intelligence
"AI: From theory to practice"
1 - 5 September, Buenos Aires, Argentina
with Argentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (ASAI - JAIIO)

Ph.D. students, undergraduate students, professionals, young researchers,
and academics in general are cordially invited to participate in the 2nd
IJCAI International School on Artificial Intelligence, titled AI: From
Theory to Practice, to be held during the week of 1st to 5th of September
at the Universidad de Palermo, Buenos Aires. The School has been
implemented by the IJCAI Board as a precursor to the main IJCAI Conference
(International Joint Conference of Artificial Intelligence), that will be
held in Buenos Aires in 2015, a year after the School.
Organized by the Asociación Argentina de Inteligencia Artificial (AAIA),
the School will bring together 4 courses of 15 hours each, plenary
talks/tutorials, and a Doctoral Consortium (see more information, including
registration instructions and tentative schedule on the School’s webpage:

FOUR COURSES from diverse areas of the field:

● MultiAgent Systems : From Practical Applications to Used Elements of
Theory, by Prof. Yves Demazeau from the LIG, Grenoble, France (morning)

● Data Mining and its application to medical data by Prof. Huei Diana Lee
from the Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, UNIOESTE, Brazil

● Models and Methods for Planning in Intelligent Systems, by Prof. Hector
Geffner from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain (afternoon).

● Ontologies by Prof. Giancarlo Guizzardi, from the Federal University of
Espíritu Santo, Brazil (afternoon)

SIX PLENARY TALKS to complement the theoretical aspect of the courses with
state of the art, groundbreaking applications of AI:

● Case-based reasoning applied to music and robot soccer, by Prof. Ramón
López de Mántaras from the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, Spain

● Managing knowledge and context, by Prof. Fausto Giunghiglia from the
University of Trento, Italy.

● The Watson computer system and its underlying technology, by Prof. Eric
Brown from Watson Technologies IBM.

● Multi-Agent Systems Organizations, by Prof. Jaime Sichman, from
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

● Automated planning and scheduling for space exploration, by Prof. Steve
Chien from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA.

● Big Data, Lifelong Machine Learning and Transfer Learning by Prof. Qiang
Yang from the Hong Kong University.

A DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM: The DC will provide an opportunity for Ph.D.
students to discuss their research interests, career objectives and funding
opportunities with senior researchers with similar research interests,
among others, the invited professors and lecturers (see above courses and
plenary talks list).


Registration to the IJCAI School grants access to the School’s plenary
talks/ tutorials, as well as to all JAIIO’s activities such as the
Argentinean Symposium of Artificial Intelligence (ASAI), to be colocated
with the School. To register to the School, please refer to our
registration page for instructions (
The fees are available at:
Some course registration waivers will be considered, so please do not
hesitate in applying to these waivers in our registration form.


The School will offer three types of scholarships for students (thanks to
IFAAMAS, CONICET and Artificial Intelligence Journal), with the amounts and
number of scholarships still being decided, based on availability of funds:

- TRAVEL EXPENSES To cover air or bus ticket (roundtrip), depending on your
distance to Buenos Aires.
- FOOD AND LODGING: To cover hotel or hostel, probably on double, triple or
quadruple basis.
- COURSES FEE WAIVER: To cover full admittance to all courses.

Application to the scholarship will be handeld directly through our
registration form, still in developement. We may email you with request for
further information if necessary. Priority will be given to students
accepted to the DC.


Visitors coming to Argentina from abroad may require a travel visa. Please
contact your travel agency for further instructions. If required, do not
hesitate to request us an invitation letter.


July 23, 2014 : Early registration (JAIIO and courses)
September 1 to 5, 2014 : IJCAI School and Doctoral Consortium on AI


- Facundo Bromberg UTN FRM/ CONICET - fbromb...@frm.utn.edu.ar
- Silvia Schiaffino ISISTAN (UNCPBA CONICET) -
uai mailing list

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