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Shanghai Industrial Forum
Smart City: Innovation-driven Industry Upgrading
Shanghai, China 1^st July 2014
In China, 300 million rural inhabitants will move to urban areas over the next
15 years. Developing better strategies for the creation of new cities is,
therefore, a global imperative. To build the cities that the world needs, we
require a scientific understanding of cities that considers our built
environments and the people who inhabit them. Our future cities will
desperately need such understanding.
This is the theme of the Intelligent Environments 2014 industrial forum and we
invite you to offer demonstrations and presentations concerning the
technological or architectural aspects of building such future cities.
This Industry Forum is organized as part of Intelligent Environments 2014 by
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Pudong Internet-of-Things Industry Association,
China Electronics Standardization Institution and China ComService Ltd Shanghai
Company. It's timed to be followed by a documentary film "** Singularity
" and discussion with the film maker ** Doug Wolens
about how intelligent technologies might change the world.
If you are interested in providing a demonstration, presenting, or simply
attending to look and listen then please contact the Industrial Forum Chairs at
** indus...@intenv.org (mailto:indus...@intenv.org)
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