This position, held in the Department of Computing and Information Systems, The 
University of Melbourne, is part of an Australian Research Council Linkage 
Project "Exploiting High Resolution Images of the Retina to Customise Vision 
Tests", supervised by Associate Prof Andrew Turpin (Department of Computing and 
Information Systems) and Associate Prof Allison McKendrick (Department of 
Optometry and Vision Sciences). The appointee will work with the supervisors on 
the design, development and testing of algorithms for visual field testing that 
utilise the spatial structure of the retina, and probabilistic responses from 
human observers. This position is funded by the Australia Research Council and 
an appointment will be made for up to 18 months.

Note that this is not a computer vision project (it is human vision testing), 
and is not a machine learning project per se. We are interested in applying 
graphical models to vision testing, and suspect that ML/AI PhDs will have the 
required background.

Andrew Turpin
Associate Professor
Department of Computing and Information Systems
University of Melbourne
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