Dear Colleague,
REMINDER - AAI Short Course - 'Behaviour Analytics - an Introduction' - Wednesday 23 April 2014 Our AAI short course 'Behaviour Analytics - an Introduction' may be of interest to you and or others in your organisation or network. Complex behaviours are widely seen on the internet, business, social and online networks, and multi-agent systems. In fact, behaviour is a concept with stronger semantic meaning than the so-called data for recording and representing business activities, impacts and dynamics. Therefore, an in-depth understanding of complex behaviours has been increasingly recognised as a crucial means for disclosing interior driving forces, causes and impact on businesses in handling many challenging issues. This forms the need and emergence of behaviour analytics, i.e. understanding behaviours from the computing perspective. In this short course, we present an overview of behaviour analytics and discuss complex behaviour interactions and relationships, complex behaviour representation, behavioural feature construction, behaviour impact and utility analysis, behaviour pattern analysis, exceptional behaviour analysis, negative behaviour analysis, behaviour interaction and evolution. Please register here An important foundation short course in the AAI series of advanced data analytic short courses - please view this short course and others here We are happy to discuss at your convenience. Thank you and regards. Colin Wise Operations Manager Advanced Analytics Institute (AAI) Blackfriars Building 2, Level 1 University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) Email:<> Tel. +61 2 9514 9267 M. 0448 916 589 AAI:<> Reminder - AAI Short Course - Advanced Data Analytics - an Introduction - Wednesday 7 May 2014 Future short courses on Data Analytics and Big Data may be viewed at LINK<> AAI Education and Training Short Courses Survey - you may be interested in completing our AAI Survey at LINK<> AAI Email Policy - should you wish to not receive this periodic communication on Data Analytics Learning please reply to our email (to sender) with UNSUBSCRIBE in the Subject. We will delete you from our database. Thank you for your past and future support. UTS CRICOS Provider Code: 00099F DISCLAIMER: This email message and any accompanying attachments may contain confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, do not read, use, disseminate, distribute or copy this message or attachments. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this message. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender expressly, and with authority, states them to be the views of the University of Technology Sydney. Before opening any attachments, please check them for viruses and defects. Think. Green. Do. Please consider the environment before printing this email.
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