Judea, Rich, An and,
The Recursive-Noisy OR is part an Air Force Research Laboratory program in 
Uncertain Reasoning over subjective uncertain causal models. These are models 
for which  there is no data concerning important parts of the model. Models are 
built directly by domain experts and not by Knowledge Engineers. Domain 
knowledge which the experts often wish to encode involves synergies, etc. among 
causes. Without the ability to  express such knowledge, experts are often not 
satisfied with the model and will not trust it.
We have another paper in a related vain (subjective models) momentarily ready 
for submission to IEEE.


From: uai-boun...@engr.orst.edu on behalf of Anand, Vibha
Sent: Mon 2/14/2011 3:07 PM
To: 'Judea Pearl'; uai@engr.orst.edu; Rich Neapolitan
Subject: Re: [UAI] Learning Parameters for the Noisy-OR model


To answer the original question by Professor Neapolitan and the follow up by 
Professor Pearl, I came across a variation of the Noisy OR model - the 
Recursive Noisy OR  Rule - A rule for estimating complex probabilistic 
interactions published in IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics in 
2004 by Lemmer and Gossink. Using this rule, the authors show how a complete 
CPT can be computed (in sparse data situations) as well as how expert opinion 
can be incorporated. Having found, no other reference of this rule, I conducted 
an empirical study of this rule and compared it with the Noisy OR model in the 
domain of childhood asthma using data from our EMR. I found no statistically 
significant differences in performance of a belief network using the parameters 
computed using Noisy OR  Vs RNOR, however RNOR did provide a way to compute 
parameters when no data were available. My results are published in - 

An Empirical Validation of Recursive Noisy OR Rule for Asthma Prediction in the 
AMIA 2010 symposium proceedings. Therefore, If I understand the problem 
correctly, I would suggest RNOR as a solution, not necessarily better than 
Noisy Or.


Best Regards,

Vibha Anand



From: uai-boun...@engr.orst.edu [mailto:uai-boun...@engr.orst.edu] On Behalf Of 
Judea Pearl
Sent: Saturday, February 12, 2011 7:57 PM
To: uai@engr.orst.edu; Rich Neapolitan
Subject: Re: [UAI] Learning Parameters for the Noisy-OR model



Why would it be different from logistic regression, for which there is 

a volume of statistical literature.?. (If I take logP(x=0|pa(x)), I get a linear

expression in the parameters,  the rest should fall in place)



        ----- Original Message ----- 

        From: Rich Neapolitan <mailto:re-neapoli...@neiu.edu>  

        To: uai@engr.orst.edu 

        Sent: Friday, February 11, 2011 8:32 AM

        Subject: [UAI] Learning Parameters for the Noisy-OR model


        Once again, I am going against the grain and submitting a post that is 
not a job ad or a conference announcement. I hope no one takes offense.
        My question concerns the noisy-OR model. The traditional way to assess 
a parameter value for a given cause is to use the data items that only have 
that cause present. However, if there are many causes and limited data, there 
will be few such data items. I want an approximation method that deals with 
this problem. A quick Google search did not reveal any previous work in this 
area. I have a few ideas, but I thought I would first ask if anyone knows of 
anything that has already been done in this area.
        Best regards,

        Rich Neapolitan
        Professor and Chair of Computer Science
        Northeastern Illinois University
        5500 N. St. Louis
        Chicago, Il 60625 


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