
One idea is to use the EM algorithm and exploit the explicit
representation of the noisy-OR (hidden inhibitors and deterministic OR
nodes). My colleagues and me had a paper where we tried this idea (not
only for the noisy-OR):

Zagorecki, A., Voortman, M. and Druzdzel, M., 2006. Decomposing Local
Probability Distributions in Bayesian Networks for Improved Inference
and Parameter Learning. The 19th International Florida Artificial
Intelligence Research Symposium Conference.

Best regards,

On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 11:32 AM, Rich Neapolitan
<> wrote:
> Once again, I am going against the grain and submitting a post that is not a
> job ad or a conference announcement. I hope no one takes offense.
> My question concerns the noisy-OR model. The traditional way to assess a
> parameter value for a given cause is to use the data items that only have
> that cause present. However, if there are many causes and limited data,
> there will be few such data items. I want an approximation method that deals
> with this problem. A quick Google search did not reveal any previous work in
> this area. I have a few ideas, but I thought I would first ask if anyone
> knows of anything that has already been done in this area.
> Best regards,
> Rich
> Rich Neapolitan
> Professor and Chair of Computer Science
> Northeastern Illinois University
> 5500 N. St. Louis
> Chicago, Il 60625
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