The 26th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2010)
July 8th - July 11th, 2010, Catalina Island, California, U.S.A.
(near Los Angeles)
The 26th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2010)
will take place on July 8-11, 2010 on Catalina Island, California (near
Los Angeles). The tutorial day is on July 8th, and the main conference
is from July 9 to 11.
We encourage submissions that report on theoretical or methodological
advances in modeling, inference, learning and decision making under
uncertainty. Submissions reporting on novel and insightful applications
of these techniques within intelligent systems are also strongly
encouraged. Examples of such application areas include, but are not
limited to, computational biology, computer vision, speech processing,
computational linguistics, information retrieval, medical systems,
multi-agent systems and sensor networks.
• Friday, March 12, 2010 UAI paper submissions due (11.59pm, GMT)
• Monday, March 22, 2010 UAI student paper certification (11.59pm, GMT)
• Monday, April 26, 2010 Reviews available/author feedback period begins
• Wednesday, May 5, 2010 Author feedback on reviews due (11.59pm, GMT)
• Monday, May 31, 2010 UAI author notification
• Monday June 14, 2010 UAI camera ready copy of accepted papers due
(11.59pm, GMT)
• Monday June 21, 2010 Scholarship applications due
• Thursday June 24, 2010 Early registration deadline
• July 8, 2010 Tutorials
• July 9-11, 2010 UAI conference
NOTE: midnight GMT = 7pm EST = 4pm PST
UAI 2010 requires electronic submission of papers and abstracts
according to instructions that will be posted at
A submitted paper should not be under review by any other conference or
scientific journal at the time it is submitted to UAI 2010 or at any
time during the reviewing period of UAI 2010. At the time of submission,
a paper should also not have already been accepted for publication in a
Accepted papers will be presented at the conference in either plenary or
poster sessions. At least one of the paper's authors should be present
at the conference to present the work. All accepted papers will be
included in the Proceedings of the Twenty Sixth Conference on
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. The program committee will
select papers for special distinction in two categories at UAI 2010: a
"Best Paper" award, and an "Outstanding Student Paper" award. The
conference home page will contain instructions for certifying student
status with regards to the latter award.
General Conference Chair
Jeff Bilmes, University of Washington
Program Co-Chairs
Peter Grünwald, Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica and Leiden University
Peter Spirtes, Carnegie Mellon University
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