2010 International Conference on
Social Computing, Behavioral Modeling, & Prediction (SBP10)
Conference Website:
March 29 ñ April 1, 2010
Natcher Auditorium
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Main Campus
Bethesda, MD
* Pre-conference Tutorial Sessions (TBA) : March 29, 2010
* SBP10 Conference (Single Track) March 30 ñ 31, 2010
* Post-conference Cross-Disciplinary Workshop: (Tentative), morning,
April 1, 2010
Sponsored by
An up to date list of sponsors will be listed on the conference
website. Current and anticipated sponsors include:
Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) - confirmed
Air Force Research Laboratories
Office of Naval Research
National Institutes of Health
Due to the overwhelming success of its workshops in 2008 and 2009,
Social Computing, Behavioral Modeling and Prediction (SBP) has become
a high visibility, high-impact, international conference. Detailed
information on SBP workshops (SBP08 and SBP09) including proceedings,
presentations and invited speakers can be found at
Social computing harnesses the power of computational methods to study
social behavior and social context. Behavioral modeling refers to
representing behavior in the abstract and is a convenient and powerful
way to conduct virtual experiments and scenario planning. Both social
computing and behavioral modeling are techniques designed to achieve a
better understanding of complex behaviors, patterns, and associated
outcomes of interest. Moreover, these approaches are inherently
interdisciplinary; subsystems and system components exist at multiple
levels of analysis (i.e., ìcells to societiesî) and cross disparate
Conference Offerings and Opportunities
SBP10 is a highly interdisciplinary conference offering a rare and
exciting opportunity for behavioral and social science researchers to
come together with computational and computer scientists and other
related disciplines in order to:
* Gain fundamental working knowledge in a discipline outside oneís own
through half-day pre-conference tutorials (More information will be
posted to the conference website as it becomes available).
* Showcase SBP research at paper and poster sessions
* Meet people in complementary disciplines through deliberate
exercises aimed at exploring potential research partnerships during
the post-conference half day workshop
Because this conference is being held in the Washington, D.C. area
there will be a unique opportunity to meet with program staff across a
variety of federal agencies including: Air Force Office of Scientific
Research (AFOSR), Office of Naval Research (ONR), National Institutes
of Health (NIH), National Science Foundation (NSF), and Department of
Homeland Security (DHS).
This conference is emphatically interdisciplinary and provides a
platform for researchers, practitioners, program staff from federal
agencies and graduate students in disciplines such as sociology,
behavioral science, psychology, cultural study, health sciences,
economics, computer science, engineering, information systems, and
operations research to convene in one place. Attendees will walk away
with a deeper understanding of social and behavioral computing and
evaluation as they inform critical decision and policy making. The
program will include invited speakers from government, industry, and
academia, as well as research presentations and discussions.
Call for Papers and Posters
Papers or posters are solicited on research issues, theories, and
applications. Topics of interests include, but are not limited to,
* Military and security applications of SBP
o Group formation and evolution in the political context
o Technology and flash crowds
o Networks and political influence
o Information diffusion
o Group representation and profiling
* Health applications of SBP
o Social network analysis to understand health behavior
o Modeling of health policy and decision making
o Modeling of behavioral aspects of infectious disease spread
o Intervention design and modeling for behavioral health
* Basic research on sociocultural and behavioral processes using SBP
o Group interaction and collaboration
o Group formation and evolution
o Group representation and profiling
o Cultural patterns and representation
o Social conventions and social contexts
o Influence process and recognition
o Public opinion representation
o Viral marketing and information diffusion
o Psycho-cultural situation awareness
* Methodological issues in SBP
o Verification and validation
o Sensitivity analysis
o Matching technique or method to research questions
o Metrics and evaluation
o Methodological innovation
o Model federation and integration
o Limitations of and barriers to SBP
o Research gaps and opportunities
Important Dates
Paper/full text poster Due: Friday, November 6, 2009
Notification of acceptance: November 27, 2009
Camera-Ready: December 11, 2009
Format and Submission
Papers (maximum 8 pages) should be submitted in PDF format. Full text
of posters should also be submitted. Format instructions and a Word
template from Springer can be found at the conference website
SBP10 Conference Proceedings will be published by Springer
Papers should be submitted at
Questions and inquiries are welcome. Please send them to
Pre-conference Tutorial Sessions
Two half-day sessions will be offered: one in the morning and one in
the afternoon on the day before the full conference. One session will
be designed for computational scientists, computer scientists,
engineers, and others with strong mathematical backgrounds. The
purpose of this session is for attendees to become familiar with the
behavioral and social science concepts including terminology,
theories, and traditional approaches to problem solving.
A second, concurrent session will be designed for behavioral and
social scientists and others who may have limited formal education in
the computational sciences.† Attendees will gain an understanding of
terminology, theories, and general approaches employed by
computationally based fields, especially with respect to modeling
The purpose of these tutorial sessions is to give each group of
related disciplines a basic working knowledge in the complementary set
of disciplines in order to pave the way for better communication
across disparate disciplines and to enhance the conference experience
for all attendees.†More details regarding the preconference tutorial
sessions, including instructors, course content, and registration
information will be posted to the conference website as soon as this
information becomes available at Note that the
plans for the tutorial sessions are in progress and are subject to
Post-conference Workshop: Cross-fertilization Roundtables
The post-conference SBP10 Workshop will be held in the morning
following the final day of the full conference. The purpose of the
cross-fertilization roundtables is to help participants become better
acquainted with people outside of their discipline and with whom they
might consider partnering on a future SBP project. To accomplish this
goal, this workshop will feature 4-5 sessions, each lasting up to 30
minutes. During each session, a number of roundtables will run
concurrently. Each roundtable will focus on a different topic
(although should demand warrant, there may be duplication of some
topics across roundtables). Approximately 6-10 participants will sit
at each table. Conference organizers will assign participants to
roundtables based on their interests (to be indicated on the tutorial
registration form) and will ensure that the composition of each
roundtable offers opportunities for behavioral and social scientist to
meet systems scientists and vice versa. Thus, by the end of the
workshop period, each participant will have had an opportunity to
converse with a variety people from complementary disciplines and may
have a feel for selected people they might like to collaborate with.
It is the intent of the conference organizers that this workshop will
spawn the formation of numerous interdisciplinary investigative teams,
and that those teams will collaborate on grant applications to
sponsoring funding agencies. More details regarding the preconference
tutorial sessions, including instructors, course content, and
registration information will be posted to the conference website as
soon as this information becomes available at Note
that the plans for the post conference workshop are in progress and
are subject to change.
Hotel and Logistics
A number of hotels are in the vicinity of the NIH campus. Conference
rates are currently being negotiated with nearby hotels and will be
posted to the conference website when available. The NIH campus is
easily accessible via the Metro subway train (Red Line, Medical Center
stop). Washington Reagan National Airport is located on the Metro
(Blue/Yellow Line). East Coast travelers should consider taking the
Amtrak train to Union Station. More details on Hotel and Logistics
will be posted as they become available
Travel Scholarships
It is anticipated that travel scholarships will be available on a
competitive basis. Additional information will be provided on the SBP
Conference website as it becomes available at
SBP Conference Committees
SBP10 Conference Organizing Committee ñ Conference Co-Chairs
Patricia L. Mabry, Ph.D.
Conference Chair
Senior Advisor
Program Lead, Systems Science Initiatives
Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research
National Institutes of Health
Yasmin Said, Ph.D.
Ruth L. Kirschstein National Fellow
Co-Director of the Center for Computational Data Sciences
George Mason University
SBP10 Program Committee Chairs
Sun-Ki Chai, Ph.D.
Department of Sociology
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Honolulu, HI
John Salerno, Ph.D.
Air Force Research Laboratory
Rome, NY
SBP Steering Committee
This committee selects conference chairs and assures consistency and
quality of the conference across years.
Huan Liu, Ph.D.
Professor, Computer Science and Engineering
Arizona State University,
Tempe, AZ
John Salerno, Ph.D.
Principal Computer Engineer
Air Force Research Laboratory
Rome, NY
Sun-Ki Chai, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Honolulu, HI
SBP Advisory Committee
Rebecca Goolsby, Ph.D.
Office of Naval Research
Terrance Lyons, Ph.D.
Air Force Office of Scientific Research
Patricia L. Mabry, Ph.D.
Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research
National Institutes of Health
For Further Information about SBP10
Additional information will be posted to the conference website
as it becomes available.
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