(apologies for multiple postings)

Call for Papers and Applications
RIAO 2010 - 9th RIAO Conference
Adaptivity, Personalization and Fusion of Heterogeneous Information
28-30 April, 2010
Paris, France (Bibliothèque Nationale de France)

Important dates :
Paper submission deadline November 30, 2009
Notification to authors February 5, 2010
Camera-Ready copies due March 1, 2010
Conference dates April 28-30, 2010


This triannual international conference is the 9th RIAO conference. 
Previous editions were held at Grenoble (1985), MIT (1988), Barcelona (1991), 
Rockefeller University (1994), Montreal (1997), Paris (2000), Avignon (2004), 
and Carnegie Mellon University (2007).
RIAO conferences have always treated robust and large-scale scientific and 
industrial solutions to information processing. The conferences are composed of 
peer-reviewed scientific sessions and demonstrations of innovative industrial 
applications and advanced research prototypes.

Scope of the Conference

Submissions are invited which present recent, original and unpublished research 
on the theme of RIAO 2010: adapting, personalizing and merging heterogeneous 
Submissions may address one or more of the following subjects:

Formal Models, Theory
Information filtering
. Content based filtering
. Collaborative filtering
. Recommender systems
. Spam, protection of minors
Personalized IR and User modelling
. Adaptive IR
. Collaborative IR
. Interfaces
Information fusion
. Mash Ups
. Aggregated search
. Systems for watch, business decision
Web Search and Advertising
. Adversial IR
. Advertising
. Link analysis
Machine Learning for IR
. Learning to rank
. Probabilistic topic models
. All kinds of learning techniques applied to IR
Information extraction and natural language processing, multilinguality
. Summarization
. Question answering
. Entity/relation extraction
. Cross-Language IR, Machine translation for IR
Multimedia Information Retrieval
. Image IR
. Video IR
. Speech/audio IR
. Music IR, analysis of multimedia content
. Cultural heritage
. Trademark search
. Scientific media
. Bio-computing and medical
. Database offloading
Evaluation, benchmarking
Social networks
. Folksonomies, tagging
. Blogs
. Social search
. Communities
. Opinion and sentiment

Paper Submission

We welcome submissions from both research and industrial communities addressing 
the main conference themes.
Submitted papers must describe an unpublished origal work, emphasizing 
completed or advanced research, possibly with releted experiments. A parallel 
submission to other venues should be clearly indicated to the program committee.
All submissions will be reviewed by at least three program committee members. 
The submissions will be judged on the basis of originality, relevance, 
technical quality, and presentation.
Papers can be submitted in two categories: full papers and short papers, where 
full papers are appropriate for describing substantial research with related 
evaluations and short papers will typically describe ongoing research and 
preliminary results. All accepted papers in both categories will be published 
in the conference proceedings. At the conference, full papers will be presented 
as a talk and short papers will be presented as a poster.
Long papers must not exceed 12 pages (5000 words), in one column format, 
starting with an abstract. Short papers must not exceed 6 pages (2500 words), 
in one column, starting with an abstract.
Submissions should be in Microsoft Word format or in PDF.
The conference proceedings will be available to conference attendees, and 
through the CID after the conference.


The RIAO conferences are meeting places for both scientific and industrial 
specialists in information retrieval.
The facilities allow to present high-level peer-reviewed scientific research 
conferences and prototypes and of innovative products, selected by a special 
call for innovative applications. The displayed products 
are chosen uniquely on the basis of their innovativeness. The general topic of 
the Call for Applications is:


Companies whose product fulfills the criteria of novelty and of innovativeness 
can fill in a submission document designed by the conference organizers that 
describes their submitted product. In addition to the submission document, 
product submitters will have to provide access to an online or CD version of 
the product that demonstrates the claimed innovative functionalities of the 
Every chosen company will be provided with a demonstration space (including 
table and chair) free of charge. Each company may also be given a special time 
slot (15 minutes) to give a short presentation 
about the product. Descriptions of the products demonstrated during RIAO 2010 
will be published in the proceedings. The selected companies will also be 
invited to an event organized with Cap Digital business cluster 
(http://www.capdigital.com) providing B2B meetings with top members of the 
cluster followed by a networking event at La Cantine coworking space 

Program Chairs
Gabriella Pasi (Europe)
Tie-Yan Liu (Asia)
Prabhakar Raghavan (Americas)

Program committee:
Agosti Maristella, University of Padova, Italy
Amati Giambattista, Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Italy
Amitay Einat, IBM Research, Haifa Lab, Israel
Bailey Alex, Google Switzerland GmbH, Switzerland
Berendt Bettina, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Boldi Paolo, Consigio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy
Bordogna Gloria, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Boughanem Mohand, Université Paul Sabatier, France
Brisaboa Nieves, Universidad de la Coruna, Spain
Bruza Peter, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
Bruzilovski Peter, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Chen Hsin-Hsi, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Clarke Charles L.A., University of Waterloo, Canada
Crestani Fabio, University of Lugano, Switzerland
Croft Bruce, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
Currin Cathal, Dublin University, Ireland
de Rijke Maarten, University of Amsterdam, Netherland
Dumais Susan, Microsoft research, USA
Efthimiadis Efthimis N., University of Washington, USA
David A. Evans, JustSystems Evans Research Corporation
Fernandez-Luna Juan M., University of Granada, Spain
Fluhr Christian, Cadege, France
Gallinari Patrick, University of Paris 6, France
Gaussier Eric, Universit de Grenoble, France
Grefenstette Gregory, Exalead, France
Grossman David Adam, ITT, USA
Harman Donna, NIST, USA
Jarvelin Kalervo, University of Tampere, Finland
Joho Hideo, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
Jones Gareth, Dublin City University, United Kingdom
Jones Rosie, Yahoo! Inc., USA
Jose Joemon M, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
Kando Noriko, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Lam Wai, University of Hong Kong, Hong-Kong
Li Yuefeng, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
Liddy Liz, Syracuse University, USA
Lin Chin-Yew, Microsoft Research, China
Maarek Yoelle, Google (Haifa Engineering Center), Israel
Marchand-Maillet Stephane, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Melucci Massimo, Università di Padova, Italy
Mitra Mandar, Indian Statistical Institute, India
Moens Marie-Francine, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Moffat Alistair, University of Melbourne, Australia
Mothe Josiane, IRIT - CNRS, Toulouse, France
Murdock Vanessa, Yahoo! Research, Spain
Myaeng Sung Hyon, Information and Communication University, Korea
Nie Jian-Yun, University of Montreal, Canada
Nrnberger Andreas, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany
Oard Douglas, University of Maryland, USA
Ounis Iadh, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
Pasi Gabriella, Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca, Italy
Peters Carol, Istituto di Elaborazione della Informazione (IEI) -CNR, Italy
Piwowarski Benjamin, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
Quénot Georges, IMAG, France
Raghavan Prabhakar, Yahoo research, USA
Roelleke Thomas, Queen Mary University, United Kingdom
Ruthven Ian, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
Sakai Tetsuya, NewsWatch, Japan 
Shaoping Ma, Tsinghua University, China
Silvestri Fabrizio, Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione, Italy
Smeaton Alan, Dublin City University, Ireland
Soulé-Dupuy Chantal, University of Toulouse 1, France 
Vigna Sebastiano, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy 
Vinciarelli Alessandro, IDIAP, Switzerland
Wilkinson Ross, CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia
Zaragoza Hugo, Yahoo! Research Barcelona, Spain 
Zweigenbaum Pierre, Limsi/CNRS, France

Application chairs:
Philippe Roy, Cap Digital, France (Chair)
Josiane Mothe, IRIT, France (co-Chair)

Application committee:
Irina Blomquist, Digibusiness, Finland
Marie Buhot Launay, ARD, France
Marie-Odile Charaudeau, Aproged, France
David Evans, JustSystems Evans Research, USA
Alain Garnier, Jamespot, France
Catherine Gouttas, Thalès, France
Fabrice Lacroix, Antidot, France
Agnès Lainé, CFI, France
Marc Michel Pic, Advestigo, France
Cyril Rollinde, Freelance, Pondichery, India
Bernard Schmid, Vienna IT Enterprises , Austria
Jacqueline Thomas, CFI, France


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