Dear Colleagues,

Could you please distribute this job description to relevant candidates? Thanks!


PhD student in Artificial Intelligence or Computing Science

You are expected to work on methods and tools for medical decision
support systems in the context of clinical guidelines. Clinical
guidelines are documents that support health-care professionals in
making the right diagnostic and treatment decisions. They play an
increasingly important role in modern medicine as they are seen as the
principal means for increasing and ensuring the quality of health
care. Although recommendations in modern clinical guidelines are based
on available scientific evidence as much as possible, the guidelines
themselves are still informal, textual documents. Their textual nature
also makes it impossible to automatically interpret the information
health-care professionals collect, and to effectively guide the
information-gathering and decision-making process. Furthermore,
although medical decision making involves much uncertainty, clinical
guidelines allow no uncertainty.

Probabilistic graphical models, Bayesian networks in particular, in
combination with utility theory will act as a basis for developing
methods for decision making under uncertainty. Recently, work has
started on developing so-called probabilistic logics, i.e. languages
that combine probabilistic graphical models and logic. We think that
probabilistic logics offer a sound basis for medical decision making
as they have the generality of a first-order relational language and
also support learning and reasoning with uncertainty and
preferences. The aim of this part of the project is to establish a
connection between probabilistic logics and decision making under
uncertainty. The research to be undertaken in the project will be
carried out in close collaboration with the Radboud University
Nijmegen Medical Centre.

You should have an MSc degree in artificial intelligence (AI),
(medical) computing science, or applied mathematics, and an interest
in knowledge representation, model-based reasoning, Bayesian networks,
and logics in AI. You should also have a strong interest in medical
applications of AI.

The Model-based Reasoning Group of the Model-based System Development
section (MBSD) is conducting research on model-based approaches to
building decision-support systems. The emphasis is on utilizing
Bayesian networks in combination with logical techniques. The main
domain of application is medicine. The MBSD section is one of the
three sections of the institute for Computing and Information Sciences
(iCIS). The other two sections are the Intelligent Systems section and
the Digital Security section. ICIS is part of the Faculty of Science,
which offers a modern and ambitious research environment for the exact

You will be appointed as a PhD student for a period of four
years. Your performance will be evaluated after 18 months. If the
evaluation is positive, the contract will be extended by 2.5
years. Starting at 2,042 per month, the salary will increase to 2,612
per month in the fourth year PhD scale.

If you are interested, please send your CV to
For further information, contact Peter Lucas (

Peter Lucas
Institute for Computing and Information Sciences, Radboud University Nijmegen
Heyendaalseweg 135, 6525 AJ Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 24 365 2611/3132; Fax: +31 24 3652525
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