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## ECAI-2010 ##    1st Call for Workshop Proposals     ## ECAI-2010 ##

The Nineteenth European Conference on Artificial Intelligence

16-20 August 2010 ## Lisbon, Portugal


Deadline for workshop proposals: 11 December 2009

## INTRODUCTION                                                     ##

The nineteenth biennial European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(ECAI-2010) will take place on  16-10 August 2010 in Lisbon, Portugal.
We invite proposals for workshops to be held during the first two days
of the conference.

Artificial  Intelligence  (AI)  is  a central  topic  in  contemporary
computer science  and informatics.   The fruits of  fifty years  of AI
research have benefited application domains as disparate as industrial
systems control and medicine.  The milestone events in AI research are
increasingly   regarded  as   milestones  in   human   scientific  and
technological  development: from  the first  chess playing  program to
defeat  a  reigning world  champion  under  standard chess  tournament
rules, to the first robot  to autonomously traverse 150 miles of rough
terrain. Techniques, results, and  concepts developed under the banner
of AI  research have proved to  be of fundamental  importance in areas
such  as economics, philosophy,  linguistics, psychology,  and logical
analysis. And of  course, AI remains a topic  of perennial fascination
in popular culture.

Initiated  in 1974,  the  biennial European  Conference on  Artificial
Intelligence (ECAI) is Europe's  premier archival venue for presenting
scientific  results in  AI.   Organised by  the European  Coordinating
Committee for AI (ECCAI),  the ECAI conference provides an opportunity
for researchers  to present and hear  about the very  best research in
contemporary  AI. As  well as  a full  programme of  technical papers,
ECAI-2010  will include  the Prestigious  Applications  of Intelligent
Systems  conference  (PAIS),  the  Starting  AI  Researcher  Symposium
(STAIRS),  and an  extensive  programme of  workshops, tutorials,  and
invited speakers.

ECAI-2010 will be  held in the beautiful and  historic city of Lisbon,
Portugal. With excellent opportunities for sightseeing and gastronomy,
Lisbon promises to be a wonderful venue for a memorable conference.

## WORKSHOPS @ ECAI-2010                                            ##

Workshop proposals  by all members  of the international  AI community
are  welcome. There  is no  restriction regarding  topics, as  long as
there  is clear  relevance to  ECAI.  Most workshops  will follow  the
classical format of presentations  of peer-reviewed papers followed by
discussion, but other formats (e.g., AI competitions) and entirely new
ideas are also  welcome. Whatever the format, all  workshops should be
interactive events  and ample time should be  allocated to discussion.
The  typical duration  for a  workshop is  one full  day,  but two-day
workshops can also be accommodated.

If  you are  considering to  propose  a workshop  or if  you have  any
questions, please do  not hesitate to get in  touch with the ECAI-2010
Workshop Chair, Ulle Endriss (ulle.endr...@uva.nl).

## IMPORTANT DATES                                                  ##

11 Dec 2009: workshop proposals due (early submissions are welcome!)
15 Jan 2010: workshop proposal notifications sent
29 Jan 2010: all workshop websites to be operational
29 Jan 2010: 1st call for papers to be posted for all workshops
 1 Feb 2010: announcement of ECAI-2010 workshop programme
 7 May 2010: workshop paper submission deadline (suggestion)
 7 Jun 2010: notifications on workshop paper submissions (suggestion)
 1 Jul 2010: workshop proceedings to be sent to workshop chair

The  paper  submission  and  notification  deadlines  are  suggestions
only. However, the paper deadline  must be after the ECAI notification
date (30  April 2010)  and the notifications  must be sent  before the
ECAI early registration deadline (15 June 2010).

## HOW TO PROPOSE A WORKSHOP                                        ##

Please submit your proposal as a single PDF file via Easychair:


Each proposal should include the following information:

(1) Title of the workshop (and acronym).

(2) Names, affiliations, and contact details of the organisers (please
indicate  a primary contact  person to  whom correspondence  should be

(3) Short description: What is the  topic of the workshop? What is the
format (peer-reviewed papers,  poster sessions, invited talks, panels,
competitions, ...)?

(4) History  of this  workshop and related  events: Is this  the first
workshop of its  kind or is this  part of a series? What  are the most
closely related workshops or similar events that have taken place over
the  past three  years? What  other closely  related events  will take
place in 2010 (as far as you know)?

(5) Size: How many people do you expect to attend? How many papers (or
posters, competition entries, ...) do you expect to be submitted? What
are  your   estimates  based  on?   If   applicable,  please  indicate
attendance/submission numbers for previous editions.

(6) Duration: 1 or 2 days (this can be revised later on if required).

(7) Experience of the organisers: Please briefly argue why you are the
right people to organise  this workshop (scientific standing, previous
events organised, ...).

(8) Draft of the Call for Papers: This should include a description of
the scientific goals of the  workshop, the target audience, the topics
to be covered, the reviewing  process (if applicable), and a tentative
list of  Programme Committee members (please indicate  who has already
given their consent to serve on the PC).

(9) Anything else that you feel is important!


Proceedings:  Informal proceedings  will be  printed by  the ECAI-2010
local organisers. The workshop  organisers should deliver a single PDF
with the proceedings by the  deadline. The default expectation is that
proceedings will be  no more than 200 pages,  but exceptions (e.g., in
case of  large workshops) are  possible.  Please contact  the workshop
chair early on to request any such extensions.

Registration:  To  avoid   misunderstandings,  please  note  that  all
workshop  participants,  including  the  organisers, are  required  to
register for both  the workshop and the main  conference.  However, we
can arrange for  a free workshop (not conference)  registration for an
invited speaker or similar.

Cancellations: Please understand that we may have to cancel a workshop
if not enough participants register or if deadlines are not met.


Ulle Endriss         http://www.illc.uva.nl/~ulle/
Institute for Logic, Language & Computation (ILLC)
University of Amsterdam    Tel: +31 (0)20 525 6511
Postbus 94242              Fax: +31 (0)20 525 5206
1090 GE Amsterdam (NL)     Email: u.endr...@uva.nl
uai mailing list

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