Probabilistic graphical models for integration of complex data and discovery of causal models in biology

Satellite meeting of JOBIM'2009
Nantes, France

8 june 2009

University of Nantes - PolyTech'Nantes -
Computer Science Institute of Nantes-Atlantic (LINA)
UMR C.N.R.S. 6241

This meeting aims at providing an opportunity for researchers in Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Biology and Mathematics, to meet and discuss the use of probabilistic graphical models to tackle problems in the fields of Biology and Medical Research. Probabilistic graphical models offer an adapted framework to infer knowledge from data whose part is uncertain. Regarding the causality concept, these models have proven useful to exhibit data dependencies, as well as predicting experiment designs. Thus, the graphical model formalism is naturally the core of a flourishing research field.

During the meeting, conferences and talks will cover a range of recent developments and works under development, as well as applications, in relation with machine learning and statistical inference performed in the graphical model framework used for biology or biomedical research.

key-words : complex data-mining, probabilistic graphical models, bayesian networks, statistical inference, data analysis

Invited speaker: Robert Castelo

Important dates:

* monday 16 february 2009 : opening date for submissions to satellite meeting MODGRAPH

* monday 23 march 2009, 24:00: deadline submission to MODGRAPH

* saturday 28 march 2009 : notification to authors

registration (free):
* monday 16 february 2009 : opening date for registrations to satellite meeting MODGRAPH

* monday 27 april 2009, 24:00 : deadline for registration to MODGRAPH

* 8 june 2009, Nantes

For more details and to submit a communication:


Florence d'Alché-Buc,
IBISC, Computer Science, Integrative Biology and Complex Systems, FRE CNRS 2873, Genopole Evry - University of Evry-Val d'Essonne

Rémi Houlgatte,
the Thorax Institute, INSERM U915, Faculty of Medecine of the University of Nantes

Louis Wehenkel,
Dep. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science & GIGA-Research - University of Liège – Belgium

Philippe Leray,
LINA UMR CNRS 6241, KOD (Knowledge and Decision Team) - University of Nantes, Polytech’Nantes

Gérard Ramstein,
LINA UMR CNRS 6241, KOD (Knowledge and Decision Team) - Université de Nantes, Polytech’Nantes

Christine Sinoquet,
LINA UMR CNRS 6241, (Knowledge and Decision Team) , University of Nantes, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques

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