Konrad Scheffler wrote:
I agree this is problematic - the notion of calibration (i.e. that you can
say P(S|"70%") = .7) does not really make sense in the subjective Bayesian
framework where different individuals are working with different priors,
because different individuals will have different posteriors and they
can't all be equal to 0.7.
I apologize if I have missed your point, but I think it does make sense.
If different people have different posteriors, it means that some people
will agree that the TWC reports are calibrated, while others will disagree.
Who is right? In the case of unrepeatable events, this question would
not make sense, because it is not possible to determine the "true"
probability, and therefore whether a person or a model is calibrated or
not is a subjective opinion (of an external observer).
However, in the case of repeatable events--and I acknowledge that
repeatability is a fuzzy concept--, it does make sense to speak of an
objective probability, which can be identified with the relative
frequency. Subjective probabilities that agree with the objective
probability (frequency) can be said to be correct and models that give
the correct probability for each scenario will be considered to be
If we accept that "snow" is a repeatable event, the all the individuals
should agree on the same probability. If it is not, P(S|"70%") may be
different for each individual because having different priors and
perhaps different likelihoods or even different structures in their models.
Coming back to the main problem, I agree again with Peter Szolovits in
making the distinction between likelihood and posterior probability.
a) If I take the TWC forecast as the posterior probability returned by a
calibrated model (the TWC's model), then I accept that the probability
of snow is 70%.
b) However, if I take "70% probability of snow" as a finding to be
introduced in my model, then I should combine my prior with the
likelihood ratio associated with this finding, and after some
computation I will arrive at P(S|"70%") = 0.70. [Otherwise, I would be
incoherent with my assumption that the model used by the TWC is calibrated.]
Of course, if I think that the TWC's model is calibrated, I do not need
to build a model of TWC's reports that will return as an output the same
probability estimate that I introduce as an input.
Therefore I see no contradiction in the Bayesian framework.
Best regards,
Francisco Javier Diez Phone: (+34) 91.398.71.61
Dpto. Inteligencia Artificial Fax: (+34) 91.398.88.95
UNED. c/Juan del Rosal, 16 http://www.ia.uned.es/~fjdiez
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