The Australian Centre for Field Robotics, University of Sydney,
Australia PhD Studentship in planning and scheduling for mining

(Application deadline: 30April 2009) 

Applications are invited for a 3-year PhD studentship to investigate new
algorithms for planning and/or scheduling under uncertainty with
continuous actions for surface mining operations, to commence in July
2009, or as soon as possible thereafter. 

The University of Sydney is Australia’s premier University with an
outstanding reputation for academic and research excellence. The
Australian Centre for Field Robotics (ACFR,
at the University of Sydney is a world-renown research group in field
robotics and automation and consists of over 150 research staff and
students. The ACFR has established a major new Centre for Mine
Automation ( to develop and implement the
vision of a fully autonomous, remotely operated mine. 

Applicants should have a first class honours degree in any related
discipline (e.g., engineering, computer science) or extensive
appropriate professional experience. Each scholarship is valued at
$25,872 p.a. (tax exempt). The scholarship will be supplemented by
access to overseas travel grants and other allowances. 

To submit an application: Please include a curriculum vitae, an academic
transcript and the names and contact details of two referees. A
statement of the broad area of your research interest should also be

For any enquiries or further information, send email to: 

Dr Pantelis Elinas 

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