Call for Papers: IEEE DEST 2009 - Special Track on E-Learning Ecosystems
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Call for Papers
Special Track on E-Learning Ecosystems
3rd IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies
1-3 June 2009, Istanbul, Turkey
The main conference theme of DEST 2009 is to strengthen ICT to support
different digital ecosystems, especially focusing on cyber engineering
and human space computing. It is the study of triangle relationship
between industries, human endeavours and advanced ICT. Get more
information at
The special track E-Learning Ecosystems focuses in particular on
approaches and application of ecosystems for knowledge transfer and
learning purposes.
Track Chair
Christian Guetl, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Organizational Team
Alexander Nussbaumer, Graz University, Austria
Mohammad Smadi, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Our society of the 21st century makes great demands on its members in
virtually every part of their lives. It is expected that members of
the society keep pace with mutable situations, adapt their skills and
expertise, and collaborate and compete to provide to some extent value
for the society. As a result, modern instructional design, learning
goals and processes as well as appropriate learning environments must
support the development of the aforementioned skills and expertises.
Consequently, educational approaches have changed dramatically over
time from remedial repetitive learning to today's learning with an
understanding to become more independent in the learning process,
strengthen metacognitive and teamwork skills as well as link knowledge
in cultural context to be prepared for lifelong learning. Educational
approaches have also been influenced by technology but have also
increasingly applied technology over the last decades.
This complexity of modern learning setups of the 21st century demand
appropriate models and reference architectures which support (a) to
communicate the conception of topical learning from different
viewpoints, (b) to identify the multidisciplinary relations of
research areas, (c) to assess and classify learning approaches and
implementations, (d) to provide domain knowledge for research and
development activities. But such modern learning settings also require
flexible approaches and technological solutions. E-Learning Ecosystems
can provide both: it provides the foundation for interesting models
and frameworks but it also focuses on modern technology as the
infrastructure for enhanced e-learning environments.
Based on the ecosystem conception and the digital business ecosystem
idea, this track welcomes original and quality contributions in areas
including but not limited to
- Models and framework for topical learning
- Flexible and distributed learning environments
- Learning and training in virtual organizations
- Knowledge management in educational organizations
- New adaptive e-learning approaches
- Personalized learning environments
- Semantic web based learning environments
- Web 2.0 based learning environments
- Collaborative and group learning
- Trust building in distributed learning environments
Important Dates
Full Paper Submissions: 1 February 2009
Paper Acceptance Notifications: 1 March 2009
Final 'Camera Ready' Papers Due: 15 April 2009
Workshops: 31 May 2009
Conference: 1-3 June 2009
Furhter Information, Paper Template and Paper Submission:
Dr. Christian Guetl
Assistant Professor and Key Researcher
Institute for Information Systems and Computer Media
Graz University of Technology, AUSTRIA
phone: +43 316 873 5639
fax : +43 316 873 5699
personal website:
Adjunct Research Professor
School of Information Systems
Curtin Univerity of Technology, Perth, WA
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