Call for Papers
               The Eighteenth International Symposium on
            Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS'09)
                            September 14-17, 2009
             University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic

The scope of ISMIS is intended to represent a wide range of topics on applying Artificial Intelligence techniques to areas as diverse as decision support, automated deduction, reasoning, knowledge based systems, machine learning, computer vision, robotics, planning, databases, information retrieval, etc.
The ISMIS'09 proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in LNAI (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) and will be available at the conference. A special issue containing extended versions of selected papers presented at ISMIS'09 will appear in the Fundamenta Informatice Journal (ISSN 0169-2968) published by IOS Press.
Invited Speakers
 * Jozef Kelemen, College of Management, Bratislava, Slovakia and Silesian University, Opava, Czech Republic
 * Heikki Mannila, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
 * Gerhard Widmer, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria
 * Maria Zemankova, National Science Foundation (NSF), Arlington, USA
Important Dates
* Paper submission due: March 15, 2009
* Notification of review results: May 15, 2009
* Camera ready due: June 15, 2009
For further details visit the conference web page

Petr Berka      
Dept. of Information and Knowledge Engineering
University of Economics, Prague
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