Montreal, Canada, June 18 2009
Proposal Deadline: Mon 19 Jan, 2009
Acceptance Notification: February 2, 2009

The ICML, UAI, and COLT conferences will be colocated in Montreal June
14-21 2009. We solict proposals for workshops to be held during a
single joint workshop day on June 18. This date lies between ICML (June
14-17) and UAI/COLT (June 19-21). Workshops will be selected on the
basis of their interest to the attendees of one or more of the

The goal of the workshops is to provide an informal forum for
researchers to discuss important research questions and
challenges. Controversial issues, open problems, and comparisons of
competing approaches are encouraged. Representation of alternative
viewpoints and panel-style discussions are also encouraged.

* Organization

The format, style, and content of accepted workshops is under the
control of the workshop organizers and largely autonomous from the
main conferences. The workshops will be seven hours long and split into
morning and afternoon sessions.  Workshop organizers will be
expected to manage the workshop content, specify the workshop format,
be present to moderate the discussion and panels, invite experts in
the domain, and maintain a website for the workshop. Workshop
registration will be handled centrally by the main conferences with a
single uniform registration fee and with registrants allowed to attend
workshops other than the one they register for.

* Submission Instructions

Proposals should specify clearly all of the following:

    * the workshop's title (what is it called?)
    * topic (what is it about?)
    * motivation (why a workshop on this topic?)
    * impact and expected outcomes (what will having the workshop do?)
    * potential invited speakers (who might come?)
    * a list of related publications (where can we learn more?)
    * main workshop organizer (who is making it happen?)
    * other organizers (who else is making it happen?)
    * workshop URL (where will interested parties get more information?)
    * relevant conferences (which of ICML, UAI, and COLT would it appeal to?)

Please also provide brief CVs of all organizers.
This information should be sent by email (in plain text or pdf format) to
by 19 Jan 2009.

Jeff Bilmes and Andrew Ng: UAI co-chairs
Sham Kakade: COLT workshops chair
Chris Williams: ICML 2009 workshops chair

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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