Dear colleagues,

The deadline for the paper submission for NAFIPS'09 has been extended to 
January 10, 2009.
We would greatly appreciate your contribution to the success of the conference.

Please visit the NAFIPS 2009 website for recent updates and news 
The paper submission website is now OPEN. 

Thank you very much in advance for your support.

Best regards,  


NAFIPS'09 -- 28th North American 
Fuzzy Information Processing Society Annual Conference

University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
June 14-17, 2009
Dear Colleague, 
You are cordially invited to participate in the 28th North American Fuzzy 
Information Processing Society Annual
Conference, NAFIPS'09, to be held at the University of Cincinnati in 
Cincinnati, Ohio on June 14-17, 2009.

NAFIPS'09 aims to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners to 
present the latest achievements
and innovations in the area of fuzzy information processing, to discuss 
thought-provoking developments and
challenges, and to consider potential future directions. 
Topics Of Interest Include, But Are Not Limited To:

Fuzzy sets methodology/Algorithms/Mathematics
Computational Intelligence/Learning
Fuzzy modeling/Intelligent data analysis
Pattern recognition/Image processing
Data mining/Databases
Human-centric interfaces/Visualization 
Neuro-fuzzy systems/Evolutionary optimization
Adaptive systems/Uncertainty management
Control/Robotics/Computer vision
Bioinformatics/Software engineering/Intelligent agents
Applications/Computational experiments/Case studies
Hybrid architectures 
Paper Submission 

Authors are invited to prepare papers of no more than six (6) pages in IEEE 
style (see the NAFIPS'09 web site for details) 
including results, figures, and references. The papers should be submitted 
online through the link proved in the NAFIPS'09 web site.
We strongly encourage students to submit papers. Special best paper awards are 
to be presented at the conference banquet to 
recognize the accomplishments of students. To qualify, a student or a group of 
students must be the primary author(s) of the paper. 
The paper will be judged based on both manuscript content and presentation.  

NAFIPS 2009 will be held in Cincinnati, Ohio, one of the unique cities in the 
world. It has been a hub of commerce and culture 
at the midpoint of the Ohio River for more than 200 years. And from historical 
museums to modern sporting actions, 
it provides a unique and stimulating environment for NAFIPS 2009. Between the 
plenty of things to see and to do in the city 
and surrounding area, Cincinnati is an ideal location for a few extra days of 
pre- or post-conference recreation. 

Important Dates

Papers due:  January 10, 2009 (NEW DEADLINE)
Notification of acceptance of papers: March 1, 2009
Final paper submission and Early Registration: April 1, 2009 
For further details, please contact:
Atsushi Inoue, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Vladik Kreinovich, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Honorary Conference Chair
Lotfi Zadeh, University of California, Berkeley

Organizing Committee Members

General Chair:
 Anca Ralescu
Program Co-Chairs:
Atsushi Inoue
Vladik Kreinovich

Sponsorship and Publicity Team:
Asli Celikyilmaz
Christian Servin

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