The latest issue of The Reasoner is now freely available for download in pdf format at

The Reasoner ( is a monthly digest highlighting exciting
new research on reasoning, inference and method broadly construed. It is interdisciplinary, covering research in, e.g., philosophy, logic, AI, statistics, cognitive science,
law, psychology, mathematics and the sciences.

The Reasoner welcomes submissions:
- Submitted articles (100-1000 words)
- Submitted items of news
- Letters
- Conference announcements
- Job announcements
- Advertisements

If you would like to be alerted by email when an issue becomes available, please email
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with "SUBSCRIBE" as subject.

Jon Williamson, Editor
Federica Russo, Assistant Editor

all the best,
-------------- Jon Williamson
Philosophy, SECL, University of Kent, Canterbury, CT2 7NF, UK

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