----------------- Apologies for multiple postings -------------------

Call for Participation

Antwerp, Belgium, September 15-19, 2008

Early registration fee: 320 euro.

The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice
of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD) will be located in
Antwerp, Belgium, from September 15th to 19th, 2008. This event builds
upon a very successful series of 18 ECML and 11 PKDD conferences, which
have been jointly organized for the past seven years. It has become the
major European scientific event in these fields and in 2008 it will
comprise presentations of contributed papers and invited speakers, a
wide program of workshops and tutorials, a discovery challenge, a demo
track and an industrial track.

PROGRAM: More information on the program, including a list of accepted
papers, is now available at http://www.ecmlpkdd2008.org. Highlights
are: invited talks by Françoise Soulie Fogelman, Yoav Freund, Anil K.
Jain, Ray Mooney, and Raghu Ramakrishnan; presentation of 14 papers
published directly in the journals Machine Learning and Data Mining and
Knowledge Discovery; this in addition to 85 other presentations, 6
demos, 9 tutorials and 10 workshops.

VENUE & ACCOMMODATION: The conference venue is located in the
historical city center of Antwerp. Multiple hotels in all price
categories are within walking distance of the venue. Block reservations
for ECML PKDD 2008 have been made in these hotels; see
http://www.ecmlpkdd2008.org/accommodation for details. These block
reservations expire on August 1.

TRAVEL: Antwerp enjoys excellent accessibility. Frequent direct train
and shuttle services connect it with Brussels Airport (about 30' travel
time), which is directly reachable from all major European airports and
many other airports thoughout the world.

REGISTRATION: http://www.ecmlpkdd2008.org/registration.

More information on location, accommodation and travel is available at

Hoping to see you in Antwerp,

Walter Daelemans, Bart Goethals, Katharina Morik
ECML PKDD 2008 chairs

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