Call for Participation
IEEE RAS Workshop on Robot Learning
We are soliciting papers in the second Workshop on Robotics
Challenges for Machine Learning, to occur on
September 22nd, 2008,
at IROS 2008 in Nice, France (http://www.learning-robots.de/TC/
Contributions are sought in the following areas:
* learning models of robots, tasks or environments
* learning plans and control policies by imitation and
reinforcement learning
* representations which facilitate learning, such as
low-dimensional embeddings of movements
* learning representations and task abstractions by
unsupervised learning
* probabilistic inference of task parameters from
multi-modal sensory information
* integration of learning into control architectures.
This workshop will also serve to kick-off the new IEEE
Technical Committee (TC) on Robot Learning.
Contributions to the workshop are solicited in the form of
poster presentations. In order to present a poster at the
workshop, please send a 1 page abstract including a title,
list of authors and affiliations, and brief description of
the work (challenge, problem formulation, or solution
technique) to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The intended audience is robotics researchers who are
actively engaged in machine learning research, or who are
interested in exploring machine learning ideas in their
future work. We would specifically like to encourage
students to participate.
Important Dates:
* July 21 - Abstract Submission Deadline
* July 28 - Notification of Acceptance
* September 22 - Workshop at IROS.
See http://www.learning-robots.de/TC/IROS2008 for more information.
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