
                          Call for Papers

     2nd International Workshop on Computational Social Choice

                    Liverpool, 3-5 September 2008



Computational social choice is  an interdisciplinary field of study at
the interface  of social  choice theory and  computer science.   It is
concerned  with the  application  of computational  techniques to  the
study of social choice mechanisms,  and with the integration of social
choice paradigms into computing. The aim of the COMSOC workshops is to
bring  together the  different communities  that have  been addressing
such issues: computer scientists interested in computational issues in
social   choice;  people  working   in  artificial   intelligence  and
multiagent systems  who are using  ideas from social choice  theory to
organise societies of artificial software agents; logicians interested
in  the logic-based  specification and  analysis of  social procedures
(social software);  and last but  not least people coming  from social
choice theory itself.

COMSOC-2008 is funded by an  EPSRC research grant, which will allow us
to  bring in  a number  of prominent  scientists as  invited speakers,
whilst keeping registration fees very low.


COMSOC-2008   will   feature  invited   talks   by  Salvador   Barbera
(Barcelona),  Rohit  Parikh   (CUNY),  Tuomas  Sandholm  (CMU),  Moshe
Tennenholtz (Technion), and William Thomson (Rochester).


Submissions of  full papers describing original  or recently published
work on all aspects of computational social choice are invited. Topics
of interest include, but are not limited to:

o complexity-theoretic analysis of voting procedures
o computational aspects of fair division
o cake-cutting algorithms
o distributed negotiation in multiagent system
o preference representation in combinatorial domains
o computational aspects of preference aggregation rules
o preference elicitation
o social choice and constraint programming
o social choice and the web: ranking systems
o belief and judgement aggregation
o computational aspects of coalition formation
o social choice under uncertainty
o logics for collective decision making
o logic-based verification of social procedures
o communication complexity of social choice mechanisms
o computational issues in mechanism design

Paper submission  is electronic  via the workshop  website (submission
deadline: 3rd  June 2008).   Papers (of around  5000 words)  should be
formatted  according to  the  instructions available  at the  workshop
website.  All  submitted papers  will  be  reviewed  by the  programme
committee.   Accepted papers  will be  collected in  informal workshop
notes, printed copies of which  will be available at the workshop.  To
accommodate the publishing  needs of different scientific communities,
we stress that  authors will retain the copyright  of their papers and
that submitting  to COMSOC-2008 does  not preclude publication  of the
same  material in  a journal  or in  archival  conference proceedings.
Submission  is restricted  to  one paper  per  principal author  (each
accepted  paper should be  presented by  a different  author).  Please
contact either one of the programme chairs in case of any questions:

o Ulle Endriss  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
o Paul Goldberg ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


We  plan to  hold an  Open Problem  Session during  COMSOC-2008, where
participants can  present and discuss  some of the problems  that they
consider important in  our field.  To facilitate this,  we will accept
submissions of  two-page problem  descriptions, which will  be lightly
reviewed  and included  in  the workshop  notes. Problem  descriptions
should be submitted  by email by 20 June 2008 to  one of the programme
chairs. Please use the same file format as for regular papers.


Given  the  interdisciplinary nature  of  the  field of  computational
social choice, hardly any researcher  can be expected to have received
formal training in  all of its subfields. For the  day just before the
workshop, we hope to be able to offer several tutorials, aimed at both
students and  senior researchers. These tutorials  will cover material
from  computer science  of  interest to  social  choice theorists  and
material   from  social   choice  theory   of  interest   to  computer
scientists. Details will be announced as they become available.


COMSOC-2008 will  take place immediately  after a workshop  on "Market
Based Control",  supported by the EPSRC-funded  "Market Based Control"
project   (http://www.marketbasedcontrol.com).    This  meeting   will
feature talks by several  guest speakers (inlcuding Sarit Kraus, David
Parkes and  Peter Stone),  and COMSOC-2008 participants  are cordially
invited to attend.


o Paper submission deadline: 3 June 2008
o Open problem submission deadline: 20 June 2008
o Notification of authors: 7 July 2008
o Camera-ready papers due: 1 August 2008
o Workshop dates: 3-5 September 2008
o Day of tutorials: 2 September 2008


o Felix Brandt                  o Wiebe van der Hoek
o Vincent Conitzer              o Peter McBurney
o Edith Elkind                  o Michael Wooldridge
o Ulle Endriss (co-chair)
o Paul Goldberg (co-chair)
o Lane Hemaspaandra
o Sebastien Konieczny
o Jerome Lang
o Christian List
o Vangelis Markakis
o Vahab Mirrokni
o Gabriella Pigozzi
o Francesca Rossi
o Remzi Sanver
o Arkadii Slinko
o Michael Trick
o Berthold Voecking
o William S. Zwicker


Ulle Endriss         http://www.illc.uva.nl/~ulle/
Institute for Logic, Language & Computation (ILLC)
University of Amsterdam    Tel: +31 (0)20 525 6511
Plantage Muidergracht 24   Fax: +31 (0)20 525 5206
1018 TV Amsterdam (NL)     Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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