ACM Seventeenth Conference on Information and Knowledge Management

October 26-30, 2008, Napa Valley Marriott Hotel & Spa, California

Sponsored by ACM SIGIR and SIGWEB

Since 1992, the ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
(CIKM) has successfully brought together leading researchers and
developers from the database, information retrieval, and knowledge
management communities. The purpose of the conference is to identify
challenging problems facing the development of future knowledge and
information systems, and to shape future research directions through the
publication of high quality, applied and theoretical research findings.
In CIKM 2008, we will continue the tradition of promoting collaboration
among multiple areas. We encourage submissions of high quality papers on
all topics in the general areas of databases, information retrieval, and
knowledge management. Papers that bridge across these areas are of
special interest and will be considered for a "Best Interdisciplinary
Paper" award.

As CIKM 2008 will be held in Napa Valley, just one hour to the north of
San Francisco, one of the goals of the conference is to embrace the
innovative spirit of the Bay Area/Silicon Valley in bridging further the
academic-commercial gap in the database, information retrieval, and
knowledge management communities. To help achieve this goal, we will
have a series of invited speakers and an industry day (separate from the
industry research track) where luminaries, primarily from industry and
from the VC (Venture Capital) community, will provide insights on how
DB/IR/KM technologies are/can be leveraged to make a billion-dollar success.

In addition to papers, CIKM 2008 is soliciting workshop and tutorial
proposals on all topics in the general areas of databases, information
retrieval, and knowledge management, especially proposals bridging these
areas, or presenting new perspectives in these areas.


Topics of interest in the three tracks include, but are not limited to:

-- Databases:
Access methods and indexing
Authorization, privacy and security
Concurrency control and recovery
Database languages and models
Mobile databases and ubiquitous data management
Peer-to-peer, parallel and distributed databases
Query processing, optimization and performance
Real-time and active databases
Scientific and biological databases
Semi-structured data and XML databases
Stream-based processing and sensor databases
Temporal, spatial and multimedia databases

-- Information Retrieval:
Cross-language and multi-lingual information retrieval
Digital libraries
Document summarization and question answering
Document tracking, routing, and filtering
Enterprise search
Hypertext and hypermedia management
Information retrieval applications (e.g., chemical, genomic or
geographical information)
Information retrieval evaluation, metrics
Information retrieval models and theory
Information visualization and exploration
Interactive retrieval, user models and studies
Interoperability and integration
Machine learning for information retrieval
Metadata extraction and generation
Multi-media and content-based information retrieval
Music retrieval
Performance issues in information retrieval
Personalized search and personal information management
Question answering
Semi structured information retrieval
Test collections, experimental design
Text classification and clustering
Web and distributed information retrieval

-- Knowledge Management:
Advertising Online
Classification and clustering
Text classification and clustering
Information filtering and recommender systems
Data/information extraction and integration
Explanation and Knowledge Provenance
Frequent itemsets and sequential pattern mining
Knowledge management and synthesis
Link analysis and community discovery
Mining and representing temporal and spatial data
Mining and representing text and semi-structured data
Pre-processing, post-processing and visual data mining
Security and Privacy
Semantic / Data Web
Social Networks
Web 2.0

-- Industry track:
Industrial Practice and Experience
Technology for Developing Regions

Submission details can be found on the conference web site at:


Research and Industry Track
Abstracts due: May 27, 2008
Papers due: June 3, 2008
Notification of Acceptance: July 10, 2008
Camera ready: August 15, 2008

Proposals due: April 15, 2008
Notification of workshop proposal Acceptance: May 5, 2008
Individual workshop papers due: July 15, 2008
Notification of Acceptance: August 10, 2008
Camera ready: August 15, 2008

Proposals due: July 15, 2008
Notification of Acceptance: July 25, 2008

Conference Dates
Tutorial Day: October 26, 2008
Conference: October 27, 28, 29, 2008
Workshops: October 30, 2008 (and part of October 29 if required)


Conference Chair:  James G. Shanahan (Independent Consultant, USA)
DB Area Chair:  Sihem Amer-Yahia (Yahoo! Research, USA)
DB Assistant-Chair:  Ioana Manolescu (INRIA, France)
IR Area Chair:  Yi Zhang (University of California, Santa Cruz, USA)
IR Assistant-Chair:  David A. Evans (JustSystems Evans Research, USA)
KM Area Chair:  Alek Kolcz (Microsoft Live Labs)
KM Assistant-Chair:  Key-Sun Choi (Department Head Professor of
Computer Science, KAIST, Korea)
Industry Chair:  Abdur Chowdury (, USA)
Proceedings Chair:  Diane Kelly (University of North Carolina, USA)
Tutorials Chair:  Neel Sundaresan (eBay Research Labs, USA)
Workshops Chair:  Gregory Grefenstette (CEA LIST, France)
Treasurer:  Ryen W. White (Microsoft Research)
Local Area Chair:  Goutham Kurra (Turn, Inc, USA)
Sponsorship Chair:  Yan Qu (, USA)
PR Chair:  Mounia Lalmas (Queen Mary, University of London, UK)
Web Master:  Disco Gerdes (34s58w Web Development)


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