                          AAMAS-08 Tutorial
         Decision-Making in Extended Multiagent Interactions

                          Estoril, Portugal,
                            May 12-13 2008

This half-day tutorial deals with time-extended decision making in
multi-agent systems. Drawing motivation from the search and rescue
applications in disaster management, the tutorial will span the range of
multiagent interactions of increasing generality, and study a set of optimal
and approximate solution techniques to decision making in these contexts.
The tutorial will be self-contained, introducing the relevant background
literature such as aspects of game theory. The tutorial will present models
and solution techniques based both on game and decision theoretic concepts.

The list of topics includes:

* Requirements for the multiagent decision model and solution

* Game theory background
  -- Repeated strategic and Bayesian games
  -- Iterative solution methods (e.g. fictitious play)

* Multi-agent stochastic (Markov) games
  -- Decentralised Markov decision processes (DEC-MDPs)
  -- Model specializations

* Partially observable stochastic games (POSGs)
  -- Stigmergic solution with perceptual control (Multi-agent EMT)
  -- Partially observable Dec-MDPs (DEC-POMDPs)
  -- Interactive POMDPs (I-POMDPs)

Please register for the tutorial before the early registration deadline,
which is March 7. Registration information is available at

DEMI Organizing Committee
Prashant Doshi and Zinovi Rabinovich

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