Call for Papers

I-SEMANTICS 2008: International Conference on Semantic Systems
at Triple-I 2008 in Graz, Austria, 3-5 September 2008


I-SEMANTICS 2008 is the fourth conference in the I-SEMANTICS series
(previous events took place in Vienna and Graz) and provides a forum of
exchange for innovative businesses, European research institutions and
companies that focus on semantic technologies. In continuation of the
conference on Social Semantic Web (which was held for the first time in 2007
in Leipzig) I-SEMANTICS 2008 will bring together both researchers and
practitioners in the areas of Social Software and the Semantic Web in order
to present and develop innovative ideas that help realising the Social
Semantic Web.

I-SEMANTICS will be complemented by I-KNOW (, the
International Conference on Knowledge Management and I-MEDIA
( the International Conference on New Media
Technology. Both conferences will be held concurrently with I-SEMANTICS.
This extension reflects the increasing importance and convergence of
knowledge management, new media technologies and semantic systems.


Social Software systems such as Blogs and Wikis have led to a dramatic
increase of content available on the Web. Content on the Web is nowadays
already to large extents created by independent individuals instead of large
publishers, it is shared and made available free of charge, and often
 constantly improved by collaborative processes. A question that is yet
 unsolved is how to find the relevant information in increasingly large and
complex content bases, a problem where technologies developed in the
course of the Semantic Web initiative can help. Likewise, it will be beneficial
to harness social content production not only for traditional content but
also for the creation and improvement of machine-understandable
knowledge, such as meta-data, taxonomies and ontologies.

The special focus of I-SEMANTICS 2008 is "Social Semantic Web & Semantic
Social Software - Convergence of Semantic Web, Web 2.0 & Social Software".
As a conference aiming to bring together science and industry, I-SEMANTICS
encourages both, scientific (research/application) and industrial
contributions. The following table summarises the topics we are interested

Semantic Social Software
* Semantic Wikis and Weblogs
* Semantic Desktop
* Social Tagging & Folksonomies
* Semantic Data Web: browsers and end-points
* Storage, inference and caching for scalable SSW applications
* Semantic Mashups

Knowledge Modelling
* Semantic Content Engineering
* Knowledge acquisition and ontology management
* Combining existing ontologies and schemata, social ontology sharing
   and matching techniques
* Reasoning supporting adaptive semantic collaboration
* Visualisation of Semantic Models

Semantic Web Applications
* Existing Tools and Applications
* Application Domains
* Semantic Web Services
* Semantifying legacy Web applications
* Social Semantic Web and Mobile services
* User-interface components, template languages supporting SSC

Studies, Metrics & Benchmarks
* Case Studies of Semantic Systems Usage
* Business Use of Semantic Systems
* Technology Assessment
* Usability and User Interaction with Semantic Technologies
* Analysis of emergent effects within social software
* Quality analysis of socially generated semantic content

Economic / Entrepreneurial Aspects
* Economies of “attention” for semantic collaboration
* Business models for Social Semantic Web Applications
* Models measuring costs/benefits
* Authentication, authorization and accounting policies, charging and
   billing models for social software

Governance & Social Issues on the Semantic Web
* Group management, presence, social interaction enablers in mobile
  service platforms
* Strategies for implementing architectures of semantic participation
* Trust and privacy issues in social software
* Implementation of gratification and reward systems
* Analysis of motivations and behavior of social software users

Submission Information

Submissions must be original and must not have been submitted for
publication elsewhere. Articles should follow the JUCS guidelines for
and must be submitted via the online submission system available at
the conference website as PDF documents (other formats will not be
accepted). For the camera-ready version, we will also need the source
files (Latex, OpenOffice, Word).

Research/Application Papers
Research/Application papers report on novel research and/or applications
relevant to the topics of the conference. The number of pages of research
papers is limited to 8 pages including references and an optional appendix.

Posters, Demos & Tutorials
The conference also particularly welcomes the submission of posters, demos,
and tutorials. Submissions should consist of a 2-4 page description that
allows us to judge the quality of your presentation.
Descriptions will also be published as part of the proceedings.

Important Dates
14 April 2008: Full paper submission (4-8 pages)
31 May 2008: Notification of acceptance
30 June 2008: Final version (8 pages)
3-5 September 2008: TRIPLE-I '08

Organising Committee

Organisation Chairs
* Tassilo Pellegrini (Semantic Web School)
* Georg Güntner (Salzburg NewMediaLab)

Programme Chairs
* Sebastian Schaffert (Salzburg Research)
* Sören Auer (Universität Leipzig and University of Pennsylvania)
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