Please distribute to anyone who may be interested:

                (apologies for multiple postings)
                     DURING UAI-08

                    July 9th, 2008
                   Helsinki, Finland

       Special Theme:  How biased are our numbers?

      Submission of contributions due: March 28th, 2008
    Enquiries and submissions to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


As in previous years, the workshop will provide a focused
but informal forum for fruitful exchanges among theorists,
practitioners and tool developers. Discussions may cover
research questions and insights, methodologies, techniques,
and experiences with applications of Bayesian models to
any particular problem domain. Contributions will be compiled
into separate workshop proceedings. In addition, based on the
response at the workshop, our intention is to publish a subset
of the papers in a special issue of an appropriate journal.

This year we are especially encouraging contributions that address
our special theme


We encourage papers that focus on issues relating to (probability)
biases in applications of Bayesian networks.  Examples include, but
are not restricted to, the following issues.

In constructing a Bayesian model, probabilistic information is required
for establishing the numerical parameters of the model. This probabilistic
information can be obtained using available datasets, human experts, a mix
of these, or from yet other sources. All these sources of probabilistic
information are known to be biased: datasets, for example, are often
gathered for a different purpose than for constructing the model
and therefore exhibit a selection bias; expert probability judgments
are known to be biased as a result of the heuristics humans use
for assessing probabilities.

In acquiring the numerical parameters for a Bayesian model, how can the
biases in the sources of probabilistic information be identified? How
can the degree of bias be established? What is the effect of biases on
the resulting model and its behaviour? Is it possible to correct for
biases, and if so, how?

In eliciting probabilities from human experts, an additional source of
possible problems is the method used for elicitation. Dedicated techniques
are being designed for this purpose, but do these techniques forestall, for
example, biases and over-commitments of the resulting model? Are these
techniques efficient and easy to use? Do they scale up to building large
models? Are the resulting assessments well-calibrated? How can you tell?
How can knowledge obtained from multiple experts, or multiple sources
in general, be combined? What are the benefits and drawbacks of doing so?

In verifying the probability assessments and behaviour of the model under
construction, biases in the numbers and in the interpretation of these
numbers can be expected. What type of bias can we encounter? How can you
tell? What can you do about it? What kind of probabilistic information,
possibly computed from the model under construction, do you feed back to,
for example, a human expert? How do you communicate such information? Is
it interpreted as intended?

For the 2008 Bayesian Modelling Applications Workshop we encourage
submissions that provide insight in and examples of encountered
biases in sources of probabilistic information, or introduced by
the methods, new or existing, for obtaining and communicating the
numbers. We in addition encourage proposals of methods for
identifying biases in the numbers, for establishing their effect on
model behaviour, and would appreciate solutions to all posed and
related problems.

In addition to submissions addressing the above factors, we also welcome
contributions to the overall focus of Bayesian modelling.  Submissions
addressing novel applications are particularly encouraged.

The workshop will take place on Wednesday, July 9th, the day before the
UAI main conference starts. The workshop will consist of sessions devoted
to issues in developing and using Bayesian models, in the form of
presentations and open discussions.  We will conclude with a plenary
panel discussion to summarise the issues raised during the day and to
consider plans for the next edition.

The workshop and the UAI main conference are co-located with the
COLT and ICML conferences at the University of Helsinki, Finland.
A separate workshop-registration fee is required.

Submissions of 3-8 pages in PDF format, preferably in the same style
as for the main conference, are solicited. The contribution should
raise questions and offer results that can be presented and discussed
at the workshop. Participants are encouraged to apply jointly with
members of other disciplines with whom they have collaborated.

Submissions are peer-reviewed and should be sent to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with as subject:
"Submission [authors' names(s)]", or something similar.
Inquiries can de made at the same address.

Suzanne M. Mahoney, Innovative Decisions, Inc., Co-chair
Silja Renooij, Utrecht University, Co-Chair
Hermi J.M. Tabachneck-Schijf, Utrecht University, Co-Chair

John Mark Agosta, Intel Research
Russel Almond, Educational Testing Service
Dennis Buede, Innovative Decisions, Inc.
Marek Druzdzel,  University of Pittsburgh
Linda van der Gaag, Utrecht University
Judy Goldsmith, University of Kentucky
Sean Guarino,  Charles River Analytics
Kathryn Laskey,  George Mason University
Ann Nicholson,  Monash University
Jonathan Pfautz,  Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Juan-Diego Zapata-Rivera,  Educational Testing Service

Submission of contributions:                      March 28th, 2008
Notification of selections:                       April 25th, 2008
Deadline for contributions to the proceedings:    June 20th,  2008
Date of the workshop:                             July 9th,   2008
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