Two-year Post-doctoral position in statistics and decision theory

Title: Model selection for control of partially observed spatial processes

Host team: The Biometry and Artificial Intelligence (BIA) laboratory in 
Toulouse is part of the French National Institute for Agricultural 
Research (INRA).  The post-doc position is opened in the team Modelling 
of Agro-ecosystems and Decision (MAD) of the BIA lab. This team is 
composed of researchers in Artificial Intelligence and in Statistics. 
Its goal is to develop and apply mathematic and computer science 
methodologies contributing to the analysis of agricultural, forest and 
ecological systems and their management. (more at →Equipes →MAD).

Advisors: Dr. N. Peyrard ( and Dr. I. Chadès 
( (more information at

Keywords: Spatial statistics, partially observable Markov decision 
process, modelling, management of ecosystems

Description: The MAD team aims at developing original decision-theoretic 
tools to solve complex optimization problems encountered in the 
management of agricultural and ecological systems. Lately, MAD has 
developed strong competences on Markov Decision Processes (MDP) methods. 
MDP are discrete-time stochastic models of controlled temporal 
processes, well adapted to the modelling of sequential decision problems 
under uncertainty.

The work proposed is at the interface between Statistics and Decision 
Theory. The subject concerns decision problems that involve partially 
observable states structured by spatial constraints. Within this 
framework, important but yet unexplored statistical issues are model 
estimation and selection. Indeed, classical statistical methodologies do 
not take into account the controlled aspect of the model. For example, a 
good model regarding data fitting can perform poorly regarding the 
optimization problem.

The objective of the project is to analyse the suitability of model 
selection methods and to  develop an approach dedicated to partially 
observed and spatial MDP optimisation. This methodological part will be 
applied for validation to one of the applications in ecosystem 
management studied within the MAD team.

Qualification and competences expected: Candidates should have a Ph.D. 
(or expect to receive one by February 2008) in the field of Statistics 
or Decision Theory.  They should have a strong background in statistical 
processes (hidden Markov chain/ hidden Markov random fields, model 
selection), as well as competences in stochastic optimization techniques 
and programming. Ability to write scientific papers in English is required.

Contract description: The open position is a 2-year full time position, 
starting in March 2008 (with some flexibility).  Salary will be around 
2100 Euros/month.
Dr Iadine Chadès
PhD in Artificial Intelligence
Research Scientist INRA

[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                           
Tel: +33(0)5 61 28 50 64
Fax: +33(0)5 61 28 53 35

Unité de Biométrie et Intelligence Artificielle,
BP 27 31326 CASTANET-TOLOSAN cedex,
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