Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to announce the release of the website "[EMAIL PROTECTED]",
Graphical Model Algorithms at UC Irvine. Its purpose is to make
available implementations of the algorithms our group develops for
reasoning in graphical models.

We provide various exact and approximate algorithms for Bayesian network
tasks as well as constraint networks and integer programming problems.
We also host a repository of example problem instances.

The website's URL is at

A list of the algorithms currently available:

* aolibPE computes the exact probability of evidence for Bayesian
networks using AND/OR search spaces.

* Bucket Elimination performs variable elimination to obtain the exact
probability of evidence.

* IJGP (Iterative Join Graph Propagation) computes approximate beliefs
in Bayesian networks using belief propagation algorithms.

* IJGPIS computes approximate beliefs and probability of evidence in
Bayesian networks using hybrid of importance sampling, Iterative Join 
Graph Propagation (IJGP) and Relational Consistency.

* IJGPSampleSearch computes approximate beliefs and probability of
evidence in Bayesian networks using hybrid of importance sampling, 
SampleSearch and Iterative Join Graph Propagation (IJGP).

* aolibMPE implements several exact AND/OR search algorithms to compute
the most probable explanation in Bayesian networks using Mini-Bucket
heuristics and caching.

* mbeMPE implements the Mini-Bucket approximation of the most probable
explanation in Bayesian networks.

* aolibWCSP finds the optimal solution to weighted constraint
satisfaction problems via various AND/OR search algorithms using
Mini-Bucket heuristics and caching.

* mbeWCSP implements the Mini-Bucket approximation for weighted
constraint satisfaction problems.

* aolibILP computes the optimal solution to 0/1 integer linear programs
using AND/OR search.

* treeDecomp computes a tree decomposition of a given graphical model.

Comments and feedback are most welcomed and should be sent to me 

Hope you will find this useful,

Rina Dechter                                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences   (949) 824-6556
University of California, Irvine                   fax: (949)-824-4056
Irvine, CA 92697-3425

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