Dear all,
I would like to announce two PhD positions at the Radboud University Nijmegen.

Bert Kappen

PhD position for "Control of Animats" (vacancy number 62.58.07)
Intelligent behavior in animals and robots, such as planning, motor
control and exploration of unknown territory can be modelled as delayed
reward tasks, where the choice of the right actions will only be rewarded
at a later time.  The formal mathematical description of this problem is
known as control theory or reinforcement learning. The project aims to
develop efficient methods for such control problems and to apply these
methods in the context of the control of animats, ie. robots (in software
or hardware) that learn to execute elementary biological behaviour.

PhD student position for "Mutually adaptive Brain Computer Interface".
(vacancy number 62.60.07)
Research on Brain Computer Interfacing aims to use signals from the brain
to control computers. Training of persons for the BCI task is complex
and requires significant adaptation of the subject to the task. In the
context of the Braingain project (, a PhD
position is available for the development of a mutually adaptive BCI
system, where both subject and computer adapt simultaneously. The goal
is to speed up the training process, to achieve a stronger BCI signal
and to be able to control more complex tasks. The PhD student will use
machine learning methods from the group of Bert Kappen and  will validate
the system in collaboration with the group of Peter Desain.

The research group of Bert Kappen is part of the department of
Biophysics of the faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science
of the Radboud University Nijmegen.  The department is engaged in both
experimental and theoretical research in the area of neuroscience and
machine learning.  For more information about the research of the group
see or

For both positions, the candidate has a Master in physics, mathematics or
computer science. The candidate has interest in machine learning methods
and algorithms. The position if full-time for a period of 4 jears.
Estimated maximum salary per month: eur 2500 - 3000

For more information about the position and application send an email to

You can apply for these jobs before 30-11-2007 by sending your
application to:

Faculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica
Ms. van Tiem-lagarde
PO Box 9010, 6500GL NIJMEGEN,NL
E-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

When applying for this job always mention the vacancy number. 

Prof. dr. H.J. Kappen         SNN     Radboud University Nijmegen
URL:             The Netherlands                   
tel: +31 24 3614241                   fax: +31 24 3541435
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                mobile: +31 6 520 78 210

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