IHMC Postdoctoral Position Available in Evidence-based Paraconsistency

The Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC) seeks a Ph.D. in 
Computer Science (or related area) to work on a new project on Evidence 
Based Paraconsistency. This research aims to develop an evidence based 
paraconsistency framework that includes both logical and non-logical 
components. Unwarranted inconsistencies are weeded out based on 
objective evidence in the form of approximate relative frequency data 
and logical background knowledge, in conjunction with evidential 
probability and paraconsistent logic.  The paraconsistent method 
together with a measure of partial consistency will be developed 
following an analysis of the target data characteristics.

The candidate will also have the opportunity to work in other areas of 
interest including: human-centered computing, autonomy control systems, 
autonomous task learning systems, software agents, agent learning, 
constraint reasoning, Bayesian networks, Markov decision processes, 
human-robot interaction and teamwork, mixed-initiative interaction and 
adjustable autonomy, speech-based dialog and collaboration, natural 
language understanding, and reasoning systems. IHMC offers an exciting 
interdisciplinary research environment in which initiative, creativity 
and collaboration are highly valued.

This project is nominally two years.  We seek a candidate with strong 
background in both logic and statistics, and proficiency in computer 
programming.  The candidate must be a US citizen and must have been 
awarded a PhD before the start of the position.

Information about IHMC can be found at http://www.ihmc.us  Inquiries and 
applications should be sent by email (preferred) or snail mail to

Choh Man Teng
Institute for Human and Machine Cognition
40 South Alcaniz Street, Pensacola FL 32502 USA

Please include a cv and the names and contact details of three 
references.  Applications are accepted until the position is filled.
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