============================================= CALL FOR PAPERS, WORKSHOPS, AND TUTORIALS ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC'08) =============================================
July 8-12, 2008 Chicago, Illinois, USA http://www.acm.org/sigs/sigecom/ec08 Since 1999 the ACM Special Interest Group on Electronic Commerce (SIGECOM) has sponsored the leading scientific conference on advances in theory, systems, and applications for electronic commerce. The Ninth ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC'08) will feature invited speakers, paper presentations, workshops, and tutorials covering all areas of electronic commerce. The natural focus of the conference is on computer science issues, but the conference is interdisciplinary in nature, addressing research related to (but not limited to) the following topics: · Applications and Empirical Studies, including - Prediction/information markets - Experience with e-commerce systems and markets - Economic approaches to spam control - Pricing for quality of service - Web analysis and characterization for e-commerce - Open access publishing - User contributed content - Economics of online textual content - Behavioral and experimental economics related to e-commerce · Theory and Foundations, including - Computational aspects of economics, game theory, finance, and voting - Automated mechanism design, including computational pricing - Algorithmic mechanism design - Auction and negotiation technology - Formation of supply chains, coalitions, and virtual enterprises - Agency and contract theory in e-commerce - Game-theoretic aspects of network formation on the Internet - Preferences and decision theory - Economics of information · Architectures and Languages, including - Peer-to-peer, grid, and other open distributed systems - Mobile commerce - Software and systems requirements, architectures, and performance - Languages for describing agents, goods, services, and contracts · Automation, Personalization, and Targeting, including - AI and autonomous agent systems in e-commerce - Automated shopping, trading, and contract management - Recommendation, reputation, and trust systems - Advertising and marketing technology - Sponsored web search, viral marketing - Databases and data mining - Machine learning for e-commerce applications - Mobile and location-based services - Search and information retrieval for e-commerce · Security, Privacy, Encryption, and Digital Rights, including - Intellectual property and digital rights management - Digital payment systems - Authentication - Privacy-enhancing technologies - Economics of information security and privacy · Social factors, including - Usability of e-commerce systems - Human factors in security and privacy - Human factors in agents and mechanism design for e-commerce - Legal, policy, and social issues The conference will be held in Chicago from Tuesday July 8th through Saturday July 12th. Tutorials and workshops will be held on Tuesday July 8th and Wednesday July 9th, 2008. Accepted technical papers and invited talks will be presented from Thursday July 10th through Saturday July 12th, 2008. This conference is scheduled immediately before the Game Theory Society Congress being held in Evanston, Illinois and AAAI held in Chicago, both July 14-17, 2008. ================ PAPER SUBMISSION ================ The conference is soliciting full papers (as well as workshop and tutorial proposals; see below) on all aspects of electronic commerce. Submitted papers will be evaluated on significance, originality, technical quality, and exposition. They should clearly establish the research contribution, its relevance to electronic commerce, and its relation to prior research. Submissions to be considered for publication may be up to 10 pages (including the bibliography), in 11-point font with reasonable margins and interline spacing. Additional details may be included in appendices beyond the 10 page limit but will only be read at the discretion of the reviewers. These submissions must not have appeared before (or be pending to appear) in a journal or conference with published proceedings, nor may they be under review or submitted to another forum during the EC'08 review process. All accepted submissions will need to be migrated to the ACM format for the proceedings. Detailed instructions will be given by the publisher after the paper is accepted. Accepted papers will be presented at the conference in one of two formats: (1) a long oral presentation or (2) a short oral presentation coupled with placement in a poster session. Presentation format will be chosen by the program committee with the goal of encouraging breadth and diversity among oral presentations. Presentation format will have no bearing on how papers appear in the archival conference proceedings: all accepted papers will be allotted 10 pages in the proceedings. To create dialog about the papers, and further improve the accuracy of the decisions made, EC'08 will add an opportunity for authors to respond to their reviewers. During this one week period, authors who choose to do so may provide a brief response to the reviewers. The reviews and responses will be considered in forming the final acceptance decisions about papers. To accommodate the publishing traditions of different fields, authors may instead submit working papers that are under review or nearly ready for journal review. These submissions will be subject to review and considered for presentation at the conference but not for publication in the proceedings. These submissions need not conform to the conference paper format. Abstracts of accepted working papers will be included in the proceedings and must be coupled with a URL that points to the full paper and that will be reliable for at least two years. Open access is preferred although the paper can be hosted by a publisher who takes copyright and limits access, as long as there is a link to the location. Electronic submission in PDF is required. Details on the submission procedure will be made available on the main conference web page. =============================== WORKSHOP AND TUTORIAL PROPOSALS =============================== The conference is soliciting proposals for tutorials and workshops to be held in conjunction with the conference. Tutorial proposals should contain the title of the tutorial, a two-page description of the topic matter, the names and short biographies of the tutor(s), and dates/venues where earlier versions of the tutorial were given (if any). Workshop proposals should contain the title of the workshop, the names and short biographies of the organizers, and the names of confirmed or candidate participants. Workshop proposals should also include a two-page description describing the theme, the reviewing process for participants, the organization of the workshop, and required facilities for the workshop. Informal suggestions for workshop or tutorial ideas can also be sent without a full proposal to the workshop and tutorial chairs at any time. ========= KEY DATES ========= February 1, 2008: Electronic abstract due Upload at http://www.acm.org/sigs/sigecom/ec08 February 7, 2008: Full electronic paper submissions due Upload at http://www.acm.org/sigs/sigecom/ec08 February 15, 2008: Workshop and Tutorial proposals due Send to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] March 15, 2008: Tutorial & workshop proposal accept/reject notifications March 25, 2008: Initial Reviews Returned April 1, 2008: Responses from Authors Due April 8, 2008: Paper accept/reject notifications July 8-9, 2008: Conference Workshops and Tutorials, Chicago, IL, USA July 10-12, 2008: Conference Technical Program, Chicago, IL, USA ==================== ORGANIZING COMMITTEE ==================== General Chair: Lance Fortnow, University of Chicago [EMAIL PROTECTED] Program Chairs: John Riedl, University of Minnesota Tuomas Sandholm, Carnegie Mellon University [EMAIL PROTECTED] Workshops Chair: Amin Saberi, Stanford University [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tutorials Chair: Yiling Chen, Yahoo! Research [EMAIL PROTECTED] Local Arrangements: Jason Hartline, Microsoft Research/Northwestern University Nicole Immorlica, Northwestern University [EMAIL PROTECTED] Webmaster: Daniel Reeves, Yahoo! Research [EMAIL PROTECTED] Program Committee: TBA =================== FURTHER INFORMATION =================== More information and details are available at the conference web site: http://www.acm.org/sigs/sigecom/ec08 General inquiries and requests pertaining to the conference should be sent to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Inquiries and requests pertaining specifically to the program, and in particular to paper submission and decision status, should be sent to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Inquiries and requests pertaining specifically to workshop and tutorials should be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] respectively. _______________________________________________ uai mailing list uai@ENGR.ORST.EDU https://secure.engr.oregonstate.edu/mailman/listinfo/uai