Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning Post-Docs at UIUC
The Cognitive Computation Group at the University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign has one or two post-doc positions for the next academic year (with possible extensions). One of the positions is in the area of Natural Language Understanding and Textual Entailment. We are looking for researchers with interests and experience in NLP as well as in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning systems. The second position is in the area of Machine Learning and, in particular, the use of background knowledge and inference techniques as part of the learning process. Prospective candidates should apply with a cover letter, CV, statement of research interests and accomplishments, and names and email addresses of three references. Please sent these, preferably by email with one of the following subject lines "Post-Doc NLP" or "Post-Doc ML" to: Robin King Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Phone: (217) 244-4789 The position starting day can be as early as July 1, 2007. For more information about our research please look at: as well as information in: Dan Roth ----------------------------- Dan Roth, Professor Willett Faculty Scholar Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana/Champaign 201 N. Goodwin Ave., Urbana IL 61801 Phone: (217) 244-7068 Fax: (217) 265-6591 e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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