             Call for Papers and Call for Participation

                Third Workshop on Sponsored Search


                            May 8, 2007
                           Banff, Canada

                SUBMISSIONS DUE FEBRUARY 17, 2007

                      In conjunction with the
       16th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2007)

  We solicit submissions and participants for the Third Workshop on
Sponsored Search, to be held in conjunction with the 16th
International World Wide Web Conference. The workshop will bring
together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to
discuss the latest developments in sponsored search. Attendance will
be open to all WWW registrants.

  Sponsored search is a multi-billion dollar industry in rapid
growth. Typically, web search engines auction off advertising space
next to their standard algorithmic search results. Most major search
engines, including Ask, Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo!, rely on
sponsored search to monetize their services. Advertisers use sponsored
search to procure leads and manage their customer acquisition
process. Third party search engine marketers (SEMs) help advertisers
manage their keyword portfolios and bidding campaigns.

Workshop topics

  Academic work on sponsored search has only recently begun. A central
problem is the design of the auction mechanism and its implications
for search engine revenue, advertiser incentives and value, and
consumer benefit. Other notable issues include bidding optimization,
click fraud, click rate learning, contextual advertising, matching
algorithms, and targeting.

   Submissions from a rich set of empirical, experimental, and
theoretical perspectives are invited. Topics of interest at the
workshop include, but are not limited to:

  * Mechanism design
  * Ranking mechanisms: By bid, by revenue, others
  * Game-theoretic analysis of mechanisms, behaviors, and dynamics
  * Matching algorithms: exact and inexact match
  * Term clustering
  * Equilibrium characterizations
  * Simulations
  * Laboratory experiments
  * Empirical characterizations
  * Advertiser signaling, collusion
  * Pay for conversion, conversion tracking
  * Portfolio optimization
  * Search engine marketing, optimization (SEMs, SEOs)
  * Local (geographic) search
  * Contextual advertising (e.g., Google AdSense)
  * User satisfaction/defection
  * Affiliate model
  * Incentive analysis
  * Fraud detection and prevention
  * Price time series analysis
  * Personalization/targeting
  * Multi-attribute auctions
  * Expressive ad auctions

Submission instructions

  Research contributions should report new (unpublished) research
results or ongoing research.  The workshop's proceedings can be
considered non-archival, meaning contributors are free to publish
their results later in archival journals or conferences. Research
contributions can be up to ten pages long, in double-column WWW
proceedings format ( http://www2007.org/submission.php ).

  Positions papers and panel discussion proposals are also

  Papers should be submitted electronically using the conference
management system ( http://www.easychair.org/WWW2007Workshops/ )
no later than midnight Hawaii time, Feb 17, 2007. Authors should also
email the organizing committee ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
to indicate that they have submitted a paper to the system.

  At least one author of each accepted paper will be expected to attend
and present their findings at the workshop.

Important dates

  Feb 17, 2007 Submissions due midnight Hawaii time
               a. Submit to http://www.easychair.org/WWW2007Workshops/
               b. Notify [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Mar 10, 2007 Notification of accepted papers
  Mar 25, 2007 Final copy due

Organizing committee

  Gagan Agarwal, Google
  Kartik Hosanagar, University of Pennsylvania
  David Pennock, Yahoo!
  Michael Schwarz, Yahoo!
  Rakesh Vohra, Northwestern University

Program committee

  Kursad Asdemir, University of Alberta
  Hemant Bhargava, University of California Irvine
  Ben Edelman, Harvard University
  Jane Feng, University of Florida
  Ashish Goel, Stanford University
  Rica Gonen, Yahoo!
  Jason Hartline,  Microsoft
  Jim Jansen, Pennsylvania State University
  Anna Karlin, University of Washington
  Michael Kearns, University of Pennsylvania
  Sebastien Lahaie, Harvard University
  Jon Levin, Stanford University
  Mohammad Mahdian, Yahoo!
  Chris Meek, Microsoft
  Michael Ostrovsky, Stanford University
  Amin Saberi, Stanford University
  Tuomas Sandholm, Carnegie Mellon University
  Kerem Tomak, Yahoo!
  Hal Varian, University of California Berkeley
  Siva Vishwanathan, University of Maryland
  Thomas Weber, Stanford University
  Andrew Whinston, University of Texas at Austin
  Eric Zheng, University of Texas at Dallas

More information

  For more information or questions, visit the workshop website:

  or email the organizing committee:

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