The Department of Computer Science at the University of
California, Irvine is currently inviting applications for two open
tenure-track faculty positions. Areas of particular emphasis
include machine learning, text analysis, and computer vision. The
Department has a very active graduate program in machine learning
and AI with faculty such as Max Welling, Padhraic Smyth, Don
Patterson, Eric Mjolsness, Ramesh Jain, Rick Lathrop, Rina
Dechter, and Pierre Baldi. The Department also has four additional
open faculty positions in the area of bioinformatics (in addition
to the two positions mentioned above). There are strong
collaborations with faculty in departments such as Cognitive
Science (e.g., Mark Steyvers) and Statistics ( e.g., David van Dyk,
Gang Liang, and Hal Stern), as well as multiple interdisciplinary
opportunities on campus with other departments, in particular
through campus-wide research centers. These include the Institute
for Genomics and Bioinformatics, the California Institute for
Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2), the
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences, and the
newly-formed Center for Machine Learning and Data Mining.

In early 2007 the Department will be moving to the
newly-constructed Bren Hall, housing the Computer Science,
Informatics, and Statistics departments. The UC Irvine campus is
one of the youngest UC campuses and has been targeted for
significant growth by the University of California. UC Irvine has
received three Nobel prizes in the past 10 years. The campus is
located three miles from the ocean in sunny Southern California
with an excellent year-round Mediterranean climate. The area
surrounding campus offers numerous outdoor and cultural
opportunities and the public school system in Irvine is one of the
highest-ranked in the nation.

Full application details can be found at:

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