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IC BL2007 Call for Papers
International Conference on Interactive Computer aided Blended Learning
7 - 9 May 2007 in Florianopolis, Brazil
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Scope of the conference
This interdisciplinary conference aims to focus on the exchange of relevant trends and research results as well as the presentation of practical experiences gained while developing and testing elements of interactive computer aided learning. Therefore pilot projects, applications and products will also be welcome.
This conference will be organized by the Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Santa Catarina/Brazil in cooperation with:
- Inter-American Distance Education Consortium (CREAD)
- IEEE Education Society
- International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE)
- Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina
- Ministry of Education, Brazil (asked)
- Tarek M. Sobh, University of Bridgeport, USA
- Paul Lefrere, Open University UK
Topics of interest
- Collecting experiences and needs of Education Institutions in
- Advanced strategies and conceptions
- Best praxis
- Advanced methods
- Regional differences
- Organizational frameworks for e-Learning
- New learning models and applications
- Embedded learning and learning on demand
- Knowledge management and learning
- Quality assurance, sustainability
- Cost-effectiveness
- E-learning methods, methodologies, tools
- Environments and tools for e-Iearning / m-Iearning / life long learning
- Networks/Grids for learning
- Adaptive learning environments
- Tools for interactive learning and teaching
- Methods of content adaptation
- Pedagogical and psychological issues
- Blended Learning in
- Collaborative learning Evaluation and outcomes assessment
- Wikis, Webblogs etc.
- Technical and theoretical issues
- Learning Objects and Reusability
- Platforms and authoring tools
- Applications of the Semantic Web
- Standards and style-guides
- Multimedia applications and virtual reality
- Remote and virtual laboratories
- Real world experiences
- Pilot projects / Products / Applications
- Paper sessions (20 minutes presentation followed by a panel discussion)
- Short paper sessions: (15 minutes presentation)
- Interactive demonstrations
(15 minutes, also online demonstrations) - Poster Sessions
- Run a workshop or tutorial (This are half or full day events and do not require written or published papers. Proposals should clearly indicate the topic, background knowledge expected of the participants, objectives, and the qualifications of the instructor.)
- Organize a thematic session. (Proposals should include a
minimum of three papers, a session title, a list of the topics
covered and the qualifications of the session organizer. The name of the
session organizer will appear in the program and proceedings.)
- Exhibit
at ICBL (products and developments of learning technology)
English, but it will be organized a special track for the presentation of papers in Spanish or Portuguese.
The proceedings will be published on CD in cooperation with the Kassel University Press (own ISBN number). Format instructions will be available in time.
Conference chair
- Golberi de Salvador Ferreira, Brazil
- Marlene Blois, Brazil
- Andreas Pester, Austria
Michael E. Auer, Austria, Chair
Luiz H. Alves de Medeiros, Brazil
Roberto Alves, Portugal
Abdullah Y. Al-Zoubi, Jordan
Carlos R. Artunduaga, Colombia
Eduard Babulak, Spain
Marlene Blois, Brazil
Renato Crivellari Creppe, Brazil
Christos Christopoulos, UK
Arthur Edwards, Mexico
Samir Abou El-Seoud, Germany
Jose M. Martins Ferreira, Portugal
Golberi S. Ferreira, Brazil
Mauro Faccioni Filho, Brazil
Janae Gonçalves Martins, Brasil
George Ioannidis, Greece
Nataliya Ivankova, USA
Göran Karlsson, Sweden
Barbara Kerr, Canada
Mark Kramer, Austria
Bogdan Logofatu, Romania
Pietro Panzarasa, UK
Joao L. Serras Pereira, Portugal
Andreas Pester, Austria
Rob Reilly, USA
Jucimara Roesler, Brazil
Joaquim Ros, Spain
Carlos Alberto dos Santos, Brazil
Fernando Spanhol, Brazil
Yevgeniya Sulema, Ukraine
Carlos M. Travieso-González, Spain
Joao Vianney, Brazil
Armando Villarroel, USA
Nancy Van Wagoner, Canada
Yu-mei Wang, USA
Paulo Roberto Wollinger, Brazil
Mario Zagar, Croatia
Wilson B. Zapelini, Brazil
Organizing committee
Golberi de Salvador Ferreira
Marcelo Silva
Daniela Carvalho
Maria de Lourdes Feronha
Submission of papers
The abstracts should be submitted using the Electronic Submission System. If unable to submit the abstract electronically, please contact the Chair.
Important dates
17 Nov. 2006: Submission of extended abstracts
01 Dec. 2006: Proposals for workshops, tutorials, demos, exhibition
22 Jan. 2007: Notification of acceptance
24 March 2007: Camera-ready due
7-9 May 2007: Conference ICBL2007
For more information contact
phone: +55-3221-0565
fax: +55-3224-0727
General information
The workshop will be held in the HOTEL TORRES DA CACHOEIRA, Florianopolis/Brazil.
Carinthia Tech Institute (University of Applied Sciences)
School of Electronics and Equipment Engineering
Europastrasse 4, A-9524 Villach, Austria
phone +43(4242)90500-2115 fax ... -2110
voice messages: +49(12120)294752
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Have a look at:
ICL conference
ICBL conference
IMCL conference
REV conference
iJOE journal
iJET journal
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