***apologies for multiple postings


Cognitive Robotics and Theoretical Psychology

Tom Ziemke & Mark Bickhard

Cognitive robotics – the use of robots in the modeling of cognition – evolved in reaction to disembodied and context free notions of cognition. Cognitive robotics and related orientations emphasize the centrality of agency to cognition, together with multiple corollary properties of dynamic agents interacting in real situations. There are many interrelations and synergies between cognitive robotics and theoretical psychology, and progressively more of them are being explored in both psychology and robotics.


We are calling for papers for a special issue of the journal New Ideas in Psychology* addressing the relationships between cognitive robotics in a broad sense — including, for example, embodied cognition, and autonomous agents — on the one hand, and theoretical psychology, on the other. We would like to focus on what these approaches offer to psychology — philosophically, theoretically, methodologically, suggestions for models, and so on — as well as what opportunities are offered to psychology for application, testing, and exploration of psychological issues and theories. Interested authors should send an abstract of their intended paper to both editors. Initial abstracts are due 15 Nov 2006, and full papers for accepted abstracts will be due 16 Apr 2007.


Important dates:

Submission of abstracts: 15 Nov 2006

Submission of full papers: 16 Apr 2007

Feedback/notification: 20 June 2007

Completion of final drafts: 15 Oct 2007

Aim for publication: Early 2008


Tom Ziemke

Professor of Cognitive Science/Cognitive Robotics

School of Humanities & Informatics

University of Skövde, Sweden



Mark Bickhard

Henry R. Luce Professor of Cognitive Robotics and the Philosophy of Knowledge

Lehigh University

Bethlehem, PA USA




* A journal for innovative theory in psychology. See our editorial statement: http://ees.elsevier.com/newideas/




Georgi Stojanov


Associate Professor


Department of Computer Science and Mathematics

American University of Paris






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