Marcus et al -

>1) I think a philosophically more useful picture of the Universe
>than that something "happens" is that the 4-dimensional space-time
>Universe just "is" (like an archived movie roll, rather than a
>life performance).

And exactly how "just is" any more useful or satisfying than "just happens"?

>2) Classical probability theory does not allow this, and indeed
>provides no sound interpretation of probabilities.

Roger that!!!

>Naively the probability of an event E is p = lim_n->oo[k_n(E)/n],
>where k_n(E) is the number of occurrences of event E in the first
>n i.i.d. trials. The problem is that the limit may be anything or
>not even exist: e.g. a fair coin can give: head, head, head, head,
>... i.e. p=1. Of course, this sequence is "unlikely". For a fair
>coin, we have p=1/2 with "high probability". But now we have to
>explain what "high probability" means. Circularity!
>Actually, there is a way out of this (near but not exact)
>circularity. We have reduced the meaning of "probability" to the
>meaning of "high probability", which for infinite sequences
>corresponds to "probability 1". One could interpret the mathematical
>statement "An event that happens with probability 1" as that the
>event happens for sure in our Universe. That's (the complement of)
>Cournot's principle: An event (singled out in advance) with
>probability zero will not happen.
>3) The third interpretation of probabilities as betting ratios
>leads us (necessarily?) back to subjective probabilities.

If Your subjective beliefs are probabilistic on a sequence of events 
for which You receive outcome feedback, then You believe with 
probability 1 that p = lim_n->oo[k_n(E)/n].  Not only that, you 
believe the same thing about any subsequence of events picked out in 
advance, and the events don't have to be iid.  That is, if ks_ns(E) 
is the number of occurrences of E in the first ns trials that fall in 
a given pre-selected  subsequence, and ps is the average of the 
probabilities You assigned to the events in the subsequence, then You 
believe with probability 1 that ps = lim_ns->oo[ks_ns(E)/n].

In other words, a Bayesian believes with probability 1 that limiting 
frequencies in any pre-selected subsequence on which (s)he receives 
outcome feedback will converge to a stable limit that will match 
his/her limiting average probabilities for the subsequence.

So being led back to subjective probabilities leads us full circle 
back to limiting frequencies.

>4) I would appreciate a discussion of my argument that the
>*belief* in a truly random universe is  "unscientific",
>independent of whether it's actually true or not. The argument was
>that to claim that a process is random, means claiming that the
>observation cannot be perfectly predicted, and claiming that
>something can principally not be predicted=explained is an
>unscientific statement.

I think it's unscientific to be ABSOLUTELY SURE that every process 
CAN be perfectly predicted/explained.  A scientist has an open mind 
to the possibility that his/her pet theory may be wrong.  A scientist 
is willing to be overturned by empirical data.

A dyed in the wool subjective Bayesian who never assigns probability 
zero to any physically possible event but who truly believes his/her 
subjective probability assessments will never be convinced by any 
amount of evidence that her model is wrong.  No matter how 
disconfirming the observations, she will simply think she has seen an 
incredibly unusual sequence.

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