                            CALL FOR PAPERS

                First International Workshop on
    Multimedia Analysis and Uncertainty Representation (MAUR)
                    Half Day Workshop

              First International Conference on
    Semantic and Digital Media Technologies (6-8 December 2006)
        Wednesday December 6 2006 – Athens, Greece

DESCRIPTION Multimedia processing like analysis and retrieval are
inherently difficult tasks. In order to assist multimedia
processing algorithms and applications, researchers are proposing
ways to enrich multimedia algorithms with knowledge
representational formalisms. In this way the multimedia processing
techniques could take advantage of formal representation and
automated reasoning methods.

On the other hand multimedia processing algorithms are usually
facing a huge amount of uncertain and imprecise knowledge. Hence
knowledge representational formalisms must be equipped with
mechanisms that are able to cope with such type of knowledge.

The last couple of years a quite impressive number of uncertainty
handling formalism have been developed, like fuzzy and
probabilistic Description Logics, fuzzy, possibilistic and
probabilistic Logic Programming languages etc. Such logical
formalisms combine expressive power and decidable reasoning

The use of such formalisms in multimedia applications would
greatly benefit these applications and will provide new research

 Multimedia Content Representation and Reasoning.
 Image and Video Analysis with Uncertainty Reasoning.
 Multimedia Information retrieval.
 Scene Interpretation.
 Automatic Annotation.
 Classification and indexing of multimedia information objects.


Full Paper Submission: September 10, 2006

Acceptance Notification: October 1, 2006

Camera-Ready Papers due: November 2, 2006

Conference: December 6, 2006


Each submission will be evaluated for acceptability by at leasttwo
members of the Program Committee. Decisions about acceptance will
be based on relevance to the above topic list, originality,
potential significance, topicality and clarity. Since all accepted
papers will be presented at the workshop, we require that at least
one of the submitting authors must be a registered participant at
the SAMT 2006 Conference, and committed to attend the MAUR

MAUR 2006 welcomes  the submission of two kind of papers:

 short position paper (2 pages maximum in Springer LNCS format),
 giving a brief description of an on-going implementation,
 algorithm or system.

 full papers (8 pages maximum in Springer LNCS format), good original
 research and application papers of the topics of the workshop.

Papers must be submitted directly by email in PDF format to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] prior to the paper submission deadline.

Paper submissions must be formatted in the style of the Springer
Publications format for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
For complete details, see Information for LNCS Authors.

All papers selected by the program committee will be published by
provided by the SAMT.

All papers accepted will be presented during the workshop. This
would include 20 minutes presentation (15 minutes presentation + 5
minutes discussion) for full papers, while authors of accepted
position papers will have a 5-minute slot to share their ideas.

Giorgos Stoilos (National and Technical University of Athens) 
Jeff Z. Pan (Department of Computing Science, The University of Aberdeen) 
Umberto Straccia (ISTI - Italian National Research Council at Pisa)

Alessio Cartocci (International Webmasters
Association / HTML Writers Guild (IWA-HWG), US)
Barbara Barry (MIT Media Lab, US) 
Carlos Viegas Damasio (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal) 
Christian Halaschek (University of Maryland, USA) 
Ebroul Izquierdo (Queen Mary University of London, UK) 
Florence Sedes (IRIT, 118 route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse Cedex 4, France)
Giorgos Stamou (National and Technical University of Athens, Greece) 
Massimo Martinelli (National Research Council - Institute of Information
Science and Technologies, Italy) 
Qi Tian (University of Texas at San Antonio, US) 
Ralf Moeller (Hamburg University of Technology, Germany) 
Sofia Tsekeridou (Democritus University of Thrace School of Engineering
Electrical & Computer Engineering Dept, Greece) 
Thomas Franz (Universitat Koblenz – Landau, Germany) 
Ying Li (IBM T.J. Watson Research Centre, USA)

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