
                         2nd Call for Papers

      1st International Workshop on Computational Social Choice

                     Amsterdam, 6-8 December 2006

            URL: http://www.illc.uva.nl/~ulle/COMSOC-2006/


Computational social choice  is  a  new  discipline  emerging  at  the
interface  of  social  choice  theory  and  computer  science.  It  is
concerned with the application  of  computational  techniques  to  the
study of social choice mechanisms, and with the integration of  social
choice paradigms into computing. The aim of this workshop is to  bring
together the different communities  that  have  been  addressing  such
issues: computer scientists  interested  in  computational  issues  in
social choice; people working in artificial  intelligence  and  multi-
agent systems who are using  ideas  from  social  choice  to  organise
societies of artificial software agents; logicians interested  in  the
logic-based specification and analysis of  social  procedures  (social
software); and last but not least people  coming  from  social  choice
theory itself.

COMSOC-2006 is generously funded by several organisations, which  will
allow us to bring in a  number  of  prominent  scientists  as  invited
speakers, whilst keeping registration fees very low.


Invited speakers will include Steven  Brams  (New  York),  Noam  Nisan
(Jerusalem), Francesca Rossi (Padova), and Harrie de Swart  (Tilburg).
Further speakers will be announced at a later time.


Submissions of papers describing original or recently  published  work
on all aspects of computational social choice are invited.  Topics  of
interest include, but are not limited to:

 o complexity-theoretic analysis of voting procedures
 o computational aspects of fair division
 o cake-cutting algorithms
 o distributed negotiation in multiagent system
 o preference representation in combinatorial domains
 o computational aspects of preference aggregation rules
 o preference elicitation
 o social choice and constraint programming
 o social choice and the web: ranking systems
 o belief and judgement aggregation
 o computational aspects of coalition formation
 o social choice under uncertainty
 o logics for collective decision making
 o logic-based verification of social procedures
 o communication complexity of social choice mechanisms
 o computational issues in mechanism design

Paper submission will be electronic via the workshop website.  Details
regarding the submission procedure and formatting instructions will be
announced at a later  time.  Accepted  papers  will  be  collected  in
informal workshop notes, printed copies of which will be available  at
the workshop. Please contact either one of the programme chairs should
you have any questions:

 o Ulle Endriss ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 o Jerome Lang  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


 o Paper submission deadline: 1 October 2006
 o Notification of authors: 6 November 2006
 o Camera-ready papers due: 17 November 2006
 o Workshop dates: 6-8 December 2006


 o Krzysztof Apt
 o John Bartholdi
 o Vincent Conitzer
 o Ulle Endriss (co-chair)
 o Thibault Gajdos
 o Edith Hemaspaandra
 o Wiebe van der Hoek
 o Olivier Hudry
 o Jerome Lang (co-chair)
 o Christian List
 o Nicolas Maudet
 o Eric Pacuit
 o Marc Pauly
 o Hans Peters
 o Joerg Rothe

Ulle Endriss         http://www.illc.uva.nl/~ulle/
Institute for Logic, Language & Computation (ILLC)
University of Amsterdam    Tel: +31 (0)20 525 6511
Plantage Muidergracht 24   Fax: +31 (0)20 525 5206
1018 TV Amsterdam (NL)     Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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