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The Intelligent Systems Laboratory Amsterdam, part of the Informatics Institute at the University of Amsterdam is seeking an
Assistant Professor in Cooperative Machine Learning (tenuered position)
vacancy number 06-1040
and a
Postdoctoral Researcher in Distributed Intelligence
183e92b0.gifvacancy number 06-1042
The Intelligent Systems Lab Amsterdam (ISLA) conducts research in sensory and text information processing and autonomous systems. It performs both theoretical and applied research. Machine learning is at the core of many intelligent systems. The emphasis at ISLA is on cooperative machine learning in such areas as surveillance by cameras and other distributed sensors, and interaction and monitoring in health care and in sensor networks. ISLA has an outstanding group in these areas and collaborates with national and international research institutes and companies.

Assistant Professor in Cooperative Machine Learning (tenuered position)
The appointee will participate in an internationally competitive research programme. He or she will be expected to help with the administration and with the acquisition of funding, and to participate in the teaching of Bachelor’s and Master’s students. We are looking for someone who has a strong theoretical background but is oriented towards applied research in machine learning in such areas as agent technologies, distributed multimedia processing, or sensor networks in a real-world setting.
Candidates must have:
• a PhD
• postdoctoral research experience
• published research in relevant journals and for relevant conferences
• proven educational experience in computer science, informatics or AI, including the supervision of graduate students
• the social skills required to perform in a dynamic team
• mastery of both the Dutch and the English language or the ability to achieve such within two years (the UvA provides language courses).
Experience with the acquisition and management of research projects (including the supervision of PhD students) is a plus.
Postdoctoral Researcher in Distributed Intelligence
The appointee we are looking for has a strong, theoretically well-founded background in probabilistic models, machine learning or sensor networks in real-world settings. The appointee will be expected to cooperate in the Interactive Collaborative Information Systems (ICIS) research project at the DECIS Lab, which is an open research partnership between Thales Nederland, TNO, the UvA and Delft University of Technology (see http://www.decis.nl).
The ICIS project combines human sciences and information & communication technologies in a quest to shape human cognition and artificial intelligence into collaborative decision-making in chaotic environments. In such settings, situation awareness is indispensable as situations must be inferred from large sets of observations and critical events must be predicted. In this context, the research focuses on approaches to distributed modelling with Bayesian networks, which can support efficient and robust situation awareness.
Candidates must have:
• Written a PhD thesis on a topic relevant to this position
• Evidence of experience in research by publications at relevant conferences and journals
• Sufficient social skills to perform optimally in a dynamic scientific team
• Willingness to take part in organizational tasks.
The appointee will be required to attend regular project meetings at the DECIS lab in Delft.

More information
More detailed information can be obtained from: http://www.english.uva.nl/vacancies/vacancies.cfm
For further information, please contact: Prof. F.C.A. Groen, Director Informatics Institute, Faculty of Science at the University of Amsterdam, Kruislaan 403, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Tel.: +31 20 525 7461/ Fax: +31 (0)20 525 7490; E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.science.uva.nl/research/ias
Job application
Applications should include a curriculum vitae (with a list of exam grades), a brief statement of research experience, and the names and contact information of two people who can serve as a reference.
Applications should be sent to: Universiteit of Amsterdam, Faculty of Science, Personnel Dept, Attn: Mrs J.C. Knaap-Cabi, Kruislaan 404, 1098 SM Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Applications may also be emailed to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] They too should bear the job reference code and include the required documents as attachments.
The deadline for applications is 4 September 2006.

prof.dr ir Frans C.A. Groen
Director Informatics Institute, Faculty of Science
University of Amsterdam, Kruislaan 403, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, NL.
tel: +31 20 525 7461/(7490 fax) http://www.science.uva.nl/research/ias

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