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BOEMIE 2006 - Workshop on Ontology Evolution and Multimedia Information 
October 6, 2006, Podebrady, Czech Republic
held as part of
EKAW 2006 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and 
Knowledge Management

Due to several requests, the deadline for contributions to BOEMIE 2006 has been 
extended to August 10, 2006. A tentative list of speakers is given below.


BOEMIE 2006 focuses on the automation of the process of knowledge acquisition 
from multimedia content, using evolving multimedia ontologies which will be 
used for the extraction of information from multimedia content in networked 
sources. The goal is to develop synergistic approaches that combine multimedia 
extraction and ontology evolution in a bootstrapping process involving, on the 
one hand, the continuous extraction of semantic information from multimedia 
content in order to populate and enrich the ontologies and, on the other hand, 
the deployment of these ontologies to enhance the robustness of the extraction 

The workshop is tightly coupled with the BOEMIE project, aimimg to initiate a 
new research activity on the automation of knowledge acquisition from 
multimedia content, through ontology evolution. The resulting technology will 
have a wide range of applications in commerce, tourism, e-science, etc. During 
the project, the technology will be evaluated through the development of an 
automatic content collection and annotation service for public events in a 
number of major European cities. The extracted semantic information will enrich 
a digital map, which will provide a friendly interface to the end user.


The workshop includes contributions to all research topics related to the 
BOEMIE project. We anticipate significant discussion owing to differences in 
potential approaches in handling the issues above. The detailed topics of the 
workshop include but are not limited to the following:

    * Knowledge driven multimedia analysis
    * Multimedia ontologies
    * Multimedia reasoning
    * Ontology learning
    * Ontology evolution
    * Combining multiple vocabularies
    * Interoperability among current multimedia and Semantic Web standards
    * Automatic and semi-automatic content annotation tools
    * Bridging the gap between multimedia features and semantics


The workshop is clearly related to the overall topic of EKAW, relating to 
knowledge engineering and Semantic Web technologies. Yet is it differentiating 
by focusing on the integration of two more distinct topics, ontology evolution 
and multimedia information extraction. Due to its multidisciplinary nature, we 
expect interesting discussions and exchange of different views from the 
involved participants and speakers. Specifically, BOEMIE 2006 is expected to:

    * bring together the different research communities involved
    * provide an overview of the state of the art in the field
    * provide a research agenda by listing open problems and promising 
    * determine and prioritize potential work within future standardization 


The workshop will mainly consist of a number of invited talks grouped in 
sessions according to its main research topics:

    * Introduction to the workshop and the BOEMIE project
    * Multimedia information extraction
    * Multimedia ontologies
    * Multimedia reasoning
    * Ontology learning and evolution

Each session will include a talk related to technologies developed in the 
BOEMIE project, as well as additional talks from people involved in related 
research projects and initiatives. A panel discussion will follow between the 
main invited speakers along with an open discussion with all participants.

Additionally, BOEMIE 2006 will feature a poster session with open contributions 
by anyone working on the research topics of the workshop. The session will 
foster the exchange of ideas, discussions, clustering or collaborations.

Registration to the main EKAW conference is required to attend the workshop.


Welcome and introduction to Workshop
    * Yannis Avrithis, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Introduction to BOEMIE project
    * George Paliouras, NCSR Demokritos, Greece

Multimedia Information Extraction
    * Stavros Perantonis [confirmed], NCSR Demokritos, Greece [BOEMIE]
    * Paul Buitelaar [confirmed], DFKI, Germany [SmartWeb]
    * Milind Naphade, IBM TJ Watson Research Center, US [ARDA]
    * Marcel Worring [confirmed], Univ. Amsterdam, The Netherlands [MediaMill]
Multimedia Ontologies
    * Vassilis Tzouvaras, National Technical University of Athens, Greece 
    * Steffen Staab [confirmed], Univ. Koblenz-Landau, Germany [K-Space]
    * Gregory Grefenstette, CEA, France [Muscle]
Multimedia & Reasoning
    * Ralf Moller [confirmed], Hamburg University of Technology [BOEMIE/Racer]
    * Jan Kuper [confirmed], Univ. Twente, The Netherlands [MUMIS]
    * Nicolas Maillot / Monique Thonnat, Institute for Infocomm Research, 
Singapore / INRIA, France
Ontology Learning and Evolution
    * Silvana Castano [confirmed], Univ. Milano, Italy [BOEMIE]
    * Philipp Cimiano, Univ. Karlsruhe, Germany [NeOn/KWeb]

Panel coordinator
    * Kostas Spyropoulos, NCSR Demokritos, Greece


BOEMIE 2006 is open for cotributions to be presented in its poster session. 
Contributions may include academic research, project presentations and 
initiatives, demos, commercial products, industrial research or contributions 
to standards.

To submit your contribution, please send a poster proposal of no more than one 
page, with the following information:

    * The title and brief technical description of the poster, specifying its 
goals and technical topics.
    * The names, affiliations and contact information (web page, email address) 
of the authors.
    * A brief discussion of why the topic is of particular interest at this 
time, and how its related to BOEMIE 2006.
    * A brief description of its nature (acedemic, project, demo, commercial, 
etc.) as well as why and to whom the contribution is of interest, i.e. its 

Please send your proposals by *August 10*, 2006 and any inquiries by email to 
Vassilis Tzouvaras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and  Yannis Avrithis <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>. Poster proposals may be submitted in any format, Word, text or PDF.


Contributions due:           *August 10*, 2006
Notification of acceptance:  August 28, 2006
Workshop day:                October 6, 2006


Dr. Vassilis Tzouvaras, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Dr. Yannis Avrithis, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Dr. Georgios Paliouras, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
NCSR Demokritos, Greece

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